Embed an organisation-wide culture of evidence-based
management practices
The project encompasses several critical components aimed at fostering an evidence-based culture within the organisation to enhance brand and category growth.
Knowledge audit – Category and brand growth
The key condition for an organisation to build and harness the evidence-based culture is to unify behind a set of evidence-based beliefs. The desired state is that the beliefs are institutional – high (above 75% agree) and wide (the majority of the organisation and definitely the top 100) – aligned behind an approach that is more likely to grow your brands. The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute’s evidence-based knowledge audit investigates how well those beliefs are institutionalised in fundamental areas related to growth. It also considers the alignment on key business challenges amongst those interviewed. The result is the Knowledge and Alignment Grid.
In-depth interviews
We would request access to the top five to ten senior staff in the organisation to conduct interviews relating to growth challenges and ambitions, as well as giving us a picture of your company’s current mindset for approaching growth (even if it is diverse across people). This part of the project is critical to understand the culture and where the greatest hopes and needs sit.
Showcasing the value of an evidence-based approach to growth
This part documents Laws of Growth analysis to show the fundamental patterns of buying behaviour on your company data. There are six scientific laws describing category and brand buying behaviour. These have critical implications for how to grow. As well as documenting the patterns in these scientific laws of brand growth, we will test how well the data fits expected patterns. If important deviations exist, we will describe them and discuss the implications of what they mean to you and your brand strategies.
Senior leadership group training
We run sessions with the top 100 senior staff at your company aimed at showing the value of an evidence-based approach using your data but also linking it to the results from the audit to focus on the key areas of misalignment or low level of knowledge.
Evidence-based journey mapping
Based on the diagnostics from all above parts of the project, we will provide a roadmap for an evidence-based journey, including how to organise to embrace an evidence-based culture.
The transformation project involves:
- Conducting research to develop an evidence-based growth narrative – case for change – based on diagnostics (Category Growth and Laws of Growth patterns) using your data across several markets and categories, taking into account knowledge audits;
- Assisting with the research and development of a Growth Philosophy for your organisation, by providing building blocks and guidelines on how to develop a growth philosophy;
- Drafting a ‘roadmap’ for the organisation to embark on a transformational journey to embed an evidence-based culture and become better in evidence-based decision-making;
- Equipping the leadership team (top 100) with knowledge on the Ehrenberg-Bass evidence-based approach to growth, using examples from your organisation and providing time for reflection on the diagnostics.
Ready to transform your management?