Associate Professor Lara Stocchi

Senior Marketing Scientist

Lara’s primary research focus is digital marketing, specifically the Laws of Growth analysis for mobile apps and social media. She has extensive skills and expertise in areas including consumer buying behaviour and consumer memory. Other areas of research interest include branding and the measurement of brand performance.
Lara’s research has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, the Journal of Advertising Research, the Journal of Marketing Management and the Journal of Product and Brand Management. She has managed large research projects in Europe and Australia.

Academic Publications

N Pourazad, L Stocchi, N Michaelidou, V Pare (2023), What (really) drives consumer love for traditional luxury brands? The joint effects of brand qualities on brand love, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 1-25

N Pourazad, L Stocchi, S Narsey (2023), A Comparison of Social Media Influencers’ KPI Patterns across Platforms: Exploring Differences in Followers and Engagement On Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter, Journal of Advertising Research 63 (2), 139-159

A Tanusondjaja, A Michelon, N Hartnett, L Stocchi (2023), Reaching Voters on Social Media: Planning Political Advertising on Snapchat, International Journal of Market Research, 14707853231175085

R Fuller, L Stocchi, T Gruber, J Romaniuk (2023), Advancing the understanding of the pre-purchase stage of the customer journey for service brands, European Journal of Marketing 57 (2), 360-386

L Stocchi (2022), The Role of Mobile Technologies in Digital Marketing and Sales, The SAGE Handbook of Digital Marketing, 256

ZW Anesbury, L Stocchi, G Trinh (2022), Honouring Gerald Goodhardt (1930–2020), Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 3-6

T Naami, ZW Anesbury, L Stocchi, M Winchester (2022), How websites compete in the Middle East: The example of Iran, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 121-136

L Stocchi, N Pourazad, N Michaelidou, A Tanusondjaja, P Harrigan (2021), Marketing research on Mobile apps: past, present and future, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-31

L Stocchi, M Wright, R Fuller (2021), The impact of autobiographical memory on brand retrieval and purchase intention, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20 (5), 1140-1152

L Stocchi, G Ludwichowska, R Fuller, A Greg (2021), Customer-based brand equity for branded apps: A simple research framework, Journal of marketing communications 27 (5), 534-563

L Stocchi, E Kemps, Z Anesbury (2021), The effect of mental availability on snack food choices, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60, 102471

N Pourazad, L Stocchi, V Pare (2020), The power of brand passion in sports apparel brands, Journal of Product & Brand Management 29 (5), 547-568

J Dawes, L Stocchi, F Dall’Olmo-Riley (2020), Over-time variation in individual’s customer satisfaction scores, International Journal of Market Research 62 (3), 262-271

Stocchi, L., Pourazad, N. and Michaelidou N. (2020) “Identification of Two Decision-Making Paths Underpinning the Continued Use of Branded Apps”Psychology & Marketing, (ahead of print, DOI:, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Ludwichowska, G., Fuller, R. and Gregoric A. (2020) “Customer-Based Brand Equity for Branded Apps: A Simple Research Framework”Journal of Marketing Communications, (ahead of print, DOI:, ABDC B

Dawes, J., Stocchi, L. and Dall’Olmo-Riley, F. (2020) “Overtime variation in individual customer satisfaction scores”International Journal of Market Research, 62 (3), 1-10, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Michaelidou, N. and Micevski, M. (2019) “Drivers and Outcomes of Branded Mobile App Usage Intention”Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28(1), 28-49, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Michaelidou, N., Micevski, M. and Pourazad, N. (2018) “The Rules of Engagement: How to Motivate Consumers to Engage with Branded Mobile Apps”Journal of Marketing Management, 34 (13-14), 1196-1226, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Pare, V., Fuller, R. and Wright, M. (2017) “The Natural Monopoly effect in brand image associations”Australasian Marketing Journal, 25(4), 309-316, ABDC A

Stocchi, L. and Fuller, R. (2017) “A comparison of Customer Based Brand Equity strength”Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26(5), 453-468, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Guerini, C. and Michaelidou, N. (2017) “When Are Apps Worth Paying For? An Analysis of the Market Performance of Mobile Apps”Journal of Advertising Research, 57(3), 260-271, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Hart, C. and Haij, I. (2016) “Understanding the Town Centre Customer Experience (TCCE)”, under review, Journal of Marketing Management, 32 (17-18), 1562-1587, ABDC A

Stocchi, L., Wright, M. and Driesener C. (2016) “Why familiar brands are sometimes harder to remember”, European Journal of Marketing, 50 (3/4), 621-638, ABDC A*


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