Dr Rachel Fuller
Senior Marketing Scientist
Rachel is a Senior Marketing Scientist at the Ehrenberg Bass Institute. Her primary area of expertise is mental availability, which she investigates and measures across categories (packaged goods, services, and durables). She is also an active researcher in the areas of shopper marketing and health promotion. Rachel’s research has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, and the Journal of Marketing Communications.
Rachel has managed a diverse range of research projects in both Australia and Europe. She has extensive skills in areas including in-store research, neuro-marketing, brand health tracking, and quantitative analysis.
Academic Publications
Fuller, R., Stocchi, L., Gruber, T. and Romaniuk, J. (2023). Advancing the understanding of the pre-purchase stage of the customer journey of service brands. European Journal of Marketing Vol 57 Issue 2 p360-386
Fuller, R., Pervan, S., Kunstler, B., and Merolli, M. (2022). Service Provider Hesitation in Credence Services: The Importance of Customer Expectations? Vol 43 Issue 4 p504-519
Stocchi, L., Ludwichowska, G., Fuller, R. and Gregoric, A. (2021). Customer-based brand equity for branded apps: A simple research framework Vol 27 Issue 5 p534-563
Stocchi, L., Wright, M. and Fuller R. (2021). The Impact of autobiographical memory on brand retrieval and purchase intention Vol 20 Issue 5 p1140-1152
Kunstler, B., Fuller, R., Pervan, S., and Merolli, M. (2019). Australian adults expect physiotherapists to provide physical activity advice: a survey Vol 65 Issue 4 p230-236
Stocchi, L., Pare, V,. Fuller, R. and Wright, M. (2017). The Natural Monopoly effect in brand image associations. Australasian Marketing Journal Vol. 25 Issue 4
Stocchi, L. &. Fuller, R. (2017). A comparison of brand equity strength across consumer segments and markets. Journal of Product & Brand Management Vol. 26 Issue 5