Professor Andrew Ehrenberg

Andrew Ehrenberg 2

Ehrenberg’s fundamental belief was quite simply that the methods of physical science are also applicable to the social sciences. This principle enabled him to establish wide-ranging empirical quantitative generalisations about human behaviour.

In early 2012 Professor Andrew Ehrenberg was presented with the prestigious Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) Great Mind Lifetime Achievement Award. The award acknowledged Ehrenberg’s countless contributions to marketing science including the very important discovery of the NBD – Negative Binomial Distribution, which proved that brand purchase rates follow a predictable pattern.

In the course of his career Andrew Ehrenberg produced five books, three of which went into a second edition, and more than 300 papers. He was a double Gold Medalist, Fellow, Council Member and Chairman (1964-’65) of the Market Research Society. He served on Council of the Royal Statistical Society (1967-1970) and was elected an Honorary Fellow in 2003. In 2010, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Advertising Research Foundation.


My Research in Marketing: How It Happened
by Andrew Ehrenberg


Ehrenberg Wikipedia

Seminal works

This paper gives a brief biography of Andrew Ehrenberg and reviews a few of his many publications to illustrate his approach and the results: The Contribution of Andrew Ehrenberg to Social and Marketing Research – John A. Bound, 2009

This article, written by Prof Byron Sharp, gives an insight on Andrew Ehrenberg’s View on Advertising.


A selection of seminal works by Andrew Ehrenberg are available for free download via the links below:

Barnard, N.R. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1997), “Advertising: Strongly Persuasive or Nudging?” Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (Jan/Feb), 21-28.

Barnard, N.R. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1998), “Advertising and Brand Attitudes,” Research Report 3, The R&D Initiative, London South Bank University, 20.

Barnard, N.R. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1990a), “What is the Relevant Time-Period?” The Royal Statistical Society News & Notes, 17 (2).

Barnard, N.R., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and John Scriven (1998), “Branding and Values,” Admap, June.

Barnard, Neil R., Patrick T. Barwise, and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1986), “Reinterviews in Attitude Research: Early Results,” in MRS Conference. Brighton: Market Research Society.

Barnard, Neil R. and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1990b), “Robust Measures of Consumer Brand Beliefs,” Journal of Marketing Research, 27 (Nov), 477-87.

Barwise, Patrick and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1988), Television and Its Audience. London: Sage Publications.

Barwise, Patrick T. and Andrew S. C. Ehrenberg (1987a), “The Liking and Viewing of Regular TV Series,” Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (1), 63-70.

Barwise, T. Patrick and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1987b), “Consumer Beliefs and Awareness,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 29 (1), 88-94.

Barwise, T.P. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1985), “Consumer Beliefs and Brand Usage,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 27 (2), 81-93.

Barwise, T.P. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1984), “The Reach of TV Channels,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1 (1), 37-49.

Barwise, T.P., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and G.J. Goodhardt (1979), “Audience Appreciation and Audience Size,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 21 (4), 269-89.

Barwise, T.P., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and G.J. Goodhardt (1982), “Glued to the Box? Patterns of TV Repeat-Viewing,” Journal of Communication, 32 (Autumn), 22-29.

Barwise, T.P., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and G.T. Goodhardt (1980), “Viewers’ Average Appreciation Scores,” Admap(March), 137-40.

Bennett, D. R. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (2002), “The Way Australians Buy Fast Food,” in Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC 2002). Braga, Portugal, May.

Bennett, D. R., A. S. C. Ehrenberg, and G. Goodhardt (2001), “Two Purchase Analysis of Brand Loyalty among Petrol Buyers,” in Proceedings of the Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC 2000). Gold Coast, Australia.

Bennett, Dag and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (2001), “A Lot Can Be Revealed by a Little Data: Two Purchase Analysis of Fast Food Buying,” in ANZMAC conference proceedings, Sylvie Chetty and Brett Collins (Eds.) Vol. CD proceedings. Auckland, New Zealand: Massey University.

Bennett, Dag, Andrew Ehrenberg, and Gerald Goodhardt (2000), “Two Purchase Analysis of Brand Loyalty among Petrol Buyers,” in Australian New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Aron Dr. O’Cass (Ed.) Vol. cd proceedings. Gold Coast, Queensland: Griffith University.

Bird, M., C. Channon, and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1970), “Brand Image and Brand Usage,” Journal of Marketing Research, 7 (August), 307-14.

Bird, M. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1972), “Consumer Attitudes and Brand Usage – Some Confirmations,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 14 (1), 57.

Bird, Michael and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1966a), “Non-Awareness and Non-Usage,” Journal of Advertising Research, 6 (December), 4-8.

Bird, Michael and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1966b), “Intentions-to-Buy and Claimed Brand Usage,” Operational Research Quarterly, 17 (1), 27-46.

Bird, Michael. and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1970), “Consumer Attitudes and Brand Usage,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 12 (4), 233-47.

Bound, J.A. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1997), “Private Label Purchasing,” Admap, 32 (7), 17-19.

Bound, John A. and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1989), “Significant Sameness,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 152 (Part 2), 241-47.

Cannon, T., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and G.J. Goodhardt (1970), “Regularities in sole buying,” British Journal of Marketing, 4 (2), 80-86.

Castleberry, S.B., N.R. Barnard, T.P. Barwise, A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and F. Dall’Olmo Riley (1994), “Individual Attitude Variations Over Time,” Journal of Marketing Management, 10 (1-3), 153-62.

Castleberry, Stephen B., A.S.C Ehrenberg, and William H. Motes (1987), “Extended Sales Tests of Product Quality,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 29 (1), 3-14.

Castleberry, Stephen B. and Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg (1990), “Brand Usage: A Factor in Consumer Beliefs,” Marketing Research, 2 (2), 14-21.

Charlton, P. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1976a), “Customers of the LEP,” Applied Statistics, 25, 26-30.

Charlton, P. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1982a), “Customers of the LEP,” London Business School, 25 (1), 26-30.

Charlton, P. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1982b), “An Experiment in Brand Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 13 (2), 152-59.

Charlton, P. and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1976b), “An Experiment in Brand Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research, 13 (May), 152-60.

Charlton, P. and A. S. C. Ehrenberg (1973), “McConnell’s Experimental Brand Choice Data,” Journal of Marketing Research, 10 (August), 302-07.

Charlton, P., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and B. Pymont (1972), “Buyer Behaviour Under Mini-Test Conditions,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 14 (3), 171-83.

Chatfield, C., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, and G.J. Goodhardt (1966), “Progress on a Simplified Model of Stationary Purchasing Behaviour,” The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (General), 129 (Part 3), 317-67.

Colombo, Richard, Andrew Ehrenberg, and Darius Sabavala (2000), “Diversity in Analyzing Brand-Switching Tables: The Car Challenge,” Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 19, 23-36.

Dall’Olmo Riley, F., A.S.C. Ehrenberg, S.B. Castleberry, T.P. Barwise, and N.R. Barnard (1997), “The Variability of Attitudinal Repeat-Rates,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14 (5), 437-50.

Dall’Olmo Riley, Francesca, Andrew S.C. Ehrenberg, and Neil R. Barnard (1998), “Changes in Attitudes and Behaviour,” in 27th European Marketing Academy Conference, Per Andersson (Ed.) Vol. 6. Stockholm: Stockholm School of Economics.

Davis, Robert E., Richard W. Bennett, and A.S.C. Ehrenberg (1999), “Measuring Consumers’ Price Sensitivity,” Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 67-72.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. (1967a), “America and the Rest – Some Comparisons,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 9, 12-21.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1997a), “BE or Not BE,” Proceedings of ARF 43rd Annual Conf and Research Expo. New York, ARF., April, 7-9.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981a), “Children Watch a Little Less,” Broadcast, 1102.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1975a), “Children’s Heights and Weights in 1905,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 138, 239-41.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1992a), “Comments on How Advertising Works,” Marketing and Research Today, 20 (3), 167-69.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1975b), “Communicating Market Data,” Proceeding of the MRS Annual Conference, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1984a), “The Context of Change,” ESRC Newsletter, 53 (Nov).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1978a), “Coping with Data,” London Business School Journal, 4, 15-22.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1982a), “Coping with the Data,” London Business School, 4 (2), 15-22.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1983a), “Data Analysis with Prior Knowledge,” Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary ISUconference. Ames: Iowa University Press.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1988a), “Data Reduction and Prior Knowledge,” Chance, 1 (3), 37-42.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1983b), “Deriving the Least Squares Regression Equation,” American Statistician, 7 (3).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1997b), “Description and Prescription,” Journal of Advertising Research (Nov/Dec), 7-22.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1964a), “A Discussion on Factor Analysis,” The Statistician, 14, 47-61.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1968a), “Editorial: The Great Confidentiality Nonsense,” Journal of Marketing Research, 5 (Aug), 331.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981b), “Experimental Marketing,” Market Research Society Conference, London. Market Research Society, 29-33.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1976a), “Eysenk, Sampling and Science,” Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 29, 42-44.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1979a), “A Final Comment,” Admap, 15, 129-30.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1976b), “Fit versus Simplicity,” Statistische Hefte, 17, 136-45.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1980), “How Could Research Earn Better Ratings,” Broadcast, 1089 (15).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1982b), “How Good is Best?” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A, 145, 364-66.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1978b), “How Not to Explain Econometrics,” Admap, 14, 623-4.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981c), “International Comparisons and Descriptive Models,” in IN: Probleme InternationalerWirtschafts – und Social-Statisticher Vergleiche. Cologne: Pub: Bund-Verlag.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1974a), “It’s All Very Well in Practice, but How Does it Work in Theory?” Admap, 10, 48-50.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981d), “Las Publicidad Repetitiva y el Consumidor,” Revista International de Economica y Empresa, 35, 17-33.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1984b), “Lawlike Relationships,” in IN: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. New York: Wiley & Sons.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. (1969a), “Les Variations d’Achat Dues a la Taille des Conditionments,” Revue de Marketing, 41-57.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1998a), “Making Data User-Friendly,” Marketing Learning 2, The R&D Initiative, South Bank University, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1975c), “Mathematics and Statistics,” Bulletin of Applied Statistics, 2, 1-6.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1975d), “Mathematics in Sociology,” Quantitative Sociology Newsletter, 15, 48-49.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1990a), “The Mix of Programmes we View,” Admap, 26 (9), 40-42.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1972a), “Multivariate Analysis and Marketing,” Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conf. of Market Research Society, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1979b), “A Note of Dissent on Data Analysis,” J. of Geography in Higher Education, 3, 113-16.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1951), “Note on Normal Transformations of Ranks,” The British Journal of Psychology, IV (Part II), 133-34.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1953a), “Notes and Correspondence on Making Statistical Assumptions,” The British Journal of Statistical Psychology, 6 (Part I), 41-43.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1953b), “Notes on Plank’s Rational Method of Grading Food Quality,” Food Technology, 7, 188.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1968b), “On Clarifying M and M,” Journal of Marketing Research, 5, 228-9.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1952), “On Sampling from a Population of Rankers,” Biometrika, 39 (Parts 1 and 2, April), 82-87.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981e), “On Understanding Admap,” Admap, 17, 21.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1950a), “Organoleptic Tests in the Food Industry,” Chemistry and Industry, Feb 4 (Letter to Ed.), p.93.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1975e), “Practical Alternatives to Regression,” Annual Conference, American Statistical Assoc., Atlanta.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. (1986a), “Pricing and Brand Differentiation,” Singapore Journal of Marketing, 1, 5-15.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981f), “The Problem of Numeracy,” The American Statistician, 35 (67-72).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1986b), “Reading a Table: an Example,” Applied Statistics, 35 (3), 237-44.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1962a), “The Real Cost of Market Research,” Food Marketing, July Issue.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1959a), “The Relative Merits of Independent Matched Samples and of the Panel Technique for Before and After Studies,” MRS Commentary, 1, 1-7.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1976c), “The Reliability of TV Audience Estimates,” Admap, 12, 150-55.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1972b), Repeat Buying: Theory and Applications. New York: American Elsevier.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1984c), “Reply,” American Statistician, 38 (2).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1998b), “Report Writing,” Marketing Learning 3, The R&D Initiative, South Bank University, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1984d), “Research, Markets and Change,” Economic and Social Research Council.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1977a), “Rudiments of Numeracy,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 140 (3), 277-97. Discussion 307-23.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1990b), “Say What Your Model Says,” Proceedings of the Conference on Statistics Applied to Marketing Management, Ann Arbor: Michigan Business School.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1973), “Setting Budgets and Allocating Advertising Effects,” Proceedings of the 19th Annual ConfARF, New York.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1972c), “Significata e Portata Practica della Teoria NBD/LSD Sull’acquista Ripetuto,” Revistadi Statistica, 5, 101-25.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1962b), “Some Questions about Factor Analysis,” The Statistician, 12, 191-208.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1977b), “Some Rules of Data Presentation,” The Statistical Reporter (pp305-310). Also in The Psychology of Written Communication, London. (1980).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1999a), “Statistical or Practical Significance,” Marketing Learning 4, The R&D Initiative, South Bank University, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1976d), “Symbols or Concepts?” The Statistician, 25, 191-93.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1988b), “Television Viewing,” in Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 9. New York: Wiley.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1977c), “Three Exercises in Data Presentation,” Bulletin of Applied Statistics, 4, 53-69.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (2002a), “Two Kinds of Research,” Marketing Insights, Marketing Research, 14 (2), 37-38.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1950b), “The Unbiased Estimation of Heterogeneous Error Variances,” Biometrika, 37 (Dec), 348-54.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1974b), “The Uses and Abuses of Graphs,” Admap, 10, 138-43.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1964b), “What Research for What Problem?” Research in Marketing, (MRS Publication).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1981g), “Who Watches Repeats?” Broadcast, 1139 (12).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C.  (1982c), “Writing Technical Papers and Reports,” The American Statistician, 36, 326-29.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and N.R. Barnard (1997a), “Justifying our Advertising Budgets,” Marketing and Research Today, 25 (1), 38-44.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and John Scriven (1997a), “Added Values or Propensities to Buy?” Admap, 32 (8), 36-40.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and N.R. Barnard (1986), “Justifying our Advertising Budgets,” Proceedings of ESOMARMarketing Seminar, Berlin.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and N.R. Barnard (1994), “Justifying our Advertising Budgets,” Admap, 29 (1), 11-13.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and P. Barwise (1982), “Cable Expansion and Broadcasting Policy,” London Business School Journal, 7 (1), 42-45.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and P. Barwise (1979), “The Revenue Potential of Channel Four,” Admap, 15, 550-56.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and P. Barwise (1987), “The Scope for Subscription TV,” Admap, Dec, 10-15.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., P. Barwise, and N.R. Barnard (1988), “The Unit Price of TV Airtime,” Admap, October, 22-26.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and Doug Carrie (1992), “Is Television all That Important?” Intermedia, 20, 18-20.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and S.B. Castleberry (1989), “Price Parity for Very Close Substitutes: An exploratory result,” Marketing and Research Today, 17 (2), 84-88.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and Chuck Chakrapani (1980, 1981), “An Alternative to Factor Analysis, I and II,” PMRSJournal, 1 (and 2), 22-28 (and 32-38).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and Chuck Chakrapani (1974), “The Pattern of Consumer Attitudes,” AAPOR Conference, Lake George, NY, 14 (25-34).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G. Goodhardt (1980), “The Audience of Edward and Mrs. Simpson,” Independent Broadcasting (April 1980), 8-9.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G. Goodhardt (1977a), “Developing and using a Model,” proceedings of the Market Research Society Annual Conference, London. also in Quantitative Ansatze in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, (Ed. H. Muller-Meerbach). MunchenVehlen-Verlag.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G. Goodhardt (1976), “How to Stop Worrying and Start Thinking,” Admap, 12, 322-29.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G. Goodhardt (2001), “New Brands: Near-instant loyalty,” Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10 (1), 9-17.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., G. Goodhardt, and M.A. Collins (1977a), “Factor Analysis: A Reply to Harry Borgers,” European Research, 5, 275-77.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., G. Goodhardt, and M.A. Collins (1975), “The Way That People Watch Television,” New Society, 34, 262-3.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., G. Goodhardt, and I.R. Haldane (1968), “The News in May,” WAPOR/AAPOR Conference, Santa Barbara, May, and Public Opinion Quarterly, 33 (546-55).

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G.J. Goodhardt (1984), “Jewel in the Crown: Compelling Viewing?” Journal of the Market Research Society, 26 (4), 353-54.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G.J. Goodhardt (1969a), “Loyalty Reports – A New Analysis Service,” Admap, 5, 162-4.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G.J. Goodhardt (1975), “Market Planning: New Technology or Ancient Intuitions,” European Research, 3, 142-43.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G.J. Goodhardt (1982), “Two Notes on Television Audience Appreciation and Audience Behaviour,” Admap, 1983 (May), 308-11.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and Gerald Goodhardt (2002), “Double Jeopardy Revisited, Again,” Marketing Insights, Marketing Research, Spring 2002, 40-42.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and Rachel Kennedy (2002a), “Segmentation Debate Rekindled,” Marketing Research: Back Talk, 14 (2), 42.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and P. Mills (1993), “What is the BBC Worth to Viewers?” in IN: Funding the BBC. London: British Film Institute.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and G. F. Pyatt (1971), Consumer Behaviour. London: Penguin Books.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and John Scriven (1997b), “Polygamous Brand Loyalty,” Marketing Learning 1, The R&D Initiative, South Bank University, London.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., John Scriven, and N.R. Barnard (1997a), “Advertising and Price,” Journal of Advertising Research, 37 (3), 27-35.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., John Scriven, and N.R. Barnard (2000a), “Advertising Established Brands: An International Dimension,” in IN: The Handbook of International Marketing Communications, S.O. Monye, Ed. Oxford: Blackwell.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C. and J.M. Shewan (1960), “The Development and use of a Taste Panel Technique – A Review,” Occupational Psychology, 32 (October), 241-9.

Ehrenberg, A. S. C., I Werthermer, H Robbins, D.C. Hoaglin, and R.W. Farebrother (1977b), “Certification of Statisticians,” American Statistician, 31 (2).

Ehrenberg, A.S.C (1962c), “Qualitative Research in the Television Audience,” Television Mail, 6 (8), 13-20.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C. (1986c), “Advertisers or viewers paying?” Admap.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1965a), “America and the Rest – Some Comparisons,” in 50th Golden Jubilee Conference of the American Marketing Association, 1965, F.E. Webster (Ed.). New York: American Marketing Association, Chicago.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1976e), “Annual Reports Don’t Have to be Obscure,” The Journal of Accountancy (August), 88-92.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1965b), “An Appraisal of Markov Brand-Switching Models,” Journal of Marketing Research, 2 (Nov), 347-62.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  Ed. (1994a), Author’s Reply by A.S.C. Ehrenberg. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1963a), “Bivariate Regression Analysis is Useless,” Applied Statistics, 12 (3), 161-79.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1979c), “Book Reviews – Exploratory Data Analysis,” Applied Statistician, 28 (1), 79-83.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1994b), “Commentary by A.S.C. Ehrenberg,” in Research Traditions in Marketing, Gilles Laurent and Gary L. Lilien and Bernard PrasEds. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1964c), “A Comparison of TV Audience Measures,” Journal of Advertising Research, 4 (Dec), 11-16.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1975f), Data Reduction. London and New York: Wiley.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2000a), “Data Reduction – Analysing and Interpreting Statistical Data,” Journal of EmpiricialGeneralisations in Marketing Science, 5.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2001a), “Data, But No Information,” Marketing Insights, Marketing Research, 13 (4), 36-39.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2002b), “De-Romancing The Brand,” Brand Strategy, May (159), 33.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1964d), “Description, Prediction and Decision,” Commentary, 13 (Spring), 14-16.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1969b), “The Discovery and Use of Laws of Marketing,” Journal of Advertising Research, 9 (2, June), 11-17.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1968c), “The Elements of Lawlike Relationships,” The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (General), 131 (part 3), 280-302 and 15-29.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1964e), “Estimating the Proportion of Loyal Buyers,” Journal of Marketing Research, 1 (Feb), 56-59.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1950c), “Estimation of Heterogeneous Error Variances,” Nature, 166 (Oct 7), 608.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1968d), “The Factor Analytic Search for Program Types: A Comparative Evaluation,” Journal of Advertising Research, 8 (1), 55-63.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1977d), “Graphs or Tables?” The Statistician, 27 (2), 87-96.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1990c), “A Hope for the Future of Statistics: MSOD,” The American Statistician, 44 (3), 195-96.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1961), “How Reliable is Aided Recall of TV Viewing?” Journal of Advertising Research, 1 (4, June), 29-31.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1993a), “If You’re So Strong, Why Aren’t You Bigger?” Admap, 28 (1), 13-14.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1965c), “Knowledge as our Discipline,” Commentary, October, 211-35.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1966a), “Laws in Marketing: A Tail-Piece,” Applied Statistics London, 15 (Nov), 257-67.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2002c), “Marketing: Are You Really a Realist?” strategy+business, 27, 1-4.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2001b), “Marketing: Romantic or Realist? Ehrenberg replies to his critics,” Marketing Research – Backtalk, 13 (3), 38-44.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2001c), “Marketing: Romantic or Realist? Setting unrealistic goals gives marketing a bad rap,” Marketing Research, 13 (2), 40-42.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1982d), “Matters for Assessment in Hunt report. Fading cable vision?” The Times.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1955), “Measurement and Mathematics in Psychology,” British Journal of Psychology., 46, 20-29.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1968e), “Media Men Don’t Want to Know,” Journal of the Market Research Society, 10 (1), 15-21.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (1970a), “Models of Fact: Examples from Marketing,” Management Science, 16 (7, March), 435-45.

Ehrenberg, A.S.C.  (2004a), “My Research in Marketing: How it Happened,” Marketing Research, Winter, 36-41.

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