Are you measuring the right metrics?

Many companies are measuring and reporting on the wrong brand performance metrics or using tracking instruments based on flawed research.

This is a serious problem. Tracking the wrong metrics reinforces incorrect beliefs within your business, and leads to bad marketing decision making.

We’ve worked with a range of companies to turn this around. Based on the eight empirical laws and seven rules for brand growth outlined in our international bestseller How Brands Grow, we’ve developed a framework to make sure you’re measuring and tracking the right metrics for your brand and category.


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A suite of brand health metrics tailored to your needs

Our Brand Metric Review is specific to your company, categories and brands.

Our team of experts will:

  • Assess your current brand metrics and tracking tools
  • Provide evidence-based recommendations for
  • Identify suitable heath and brand performance metrics for your categories and brands


Expert advice on implementation

We understand the difficulties in gaining internal consensus, and that changing metrics systems can be hard, but we can help you overcome these challenges.

Our team of researchers are experienced in working with companies on how to implement an evidence-based brand growth philosophy.

As well as advising you on the metrics you should be measuring, we’ll also explain why, using clear evidence based on empirical patterns in buyer behaviour and brand growth.

We’ll also explain what you shouldn’t be measuring and why.


Long-term benefits

Undertaking a Brand Metrics Review will refocus your metrics, and reformulate your brand tracking. You will have a clear, evidence-based metrics system as well as a cohesive brand tracking instrument that align with Ehrenberg-Bass principles.

Ready to review your Brand Metrics?


Now available as an eBook exclusively to Apple iBooks


The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science is the world’s largest centre for research into marketing. Our team of market research experts can help you grow your brand and develop a culture of evidence-based marketing.