Funding Marketing Science

Financial contributions from each of our Sponsors are pooled into an R&D budget that opens up possibilities most companies would never be able to explore. Contributions fund new experiments, provide scholarships for PhD students, purchase scientific equipment and much more. A portion of funding also covers the cost of servicing our Sponsors.

Funding from our Sponsors allows us to have a serious and exciting research agenda, and to produce new and meaningful research outcomes, every year. In exchange for your contribution we will share all these findings with you, and give you access to the Sponsor website and a team of over 60 marketing scientists.

Ehrenberg-Bass Sponsorship Plans

Baseline – Single country

  • 2 seminars, led by our senior marketing scientists
  • Access to decades of research via our app and website for Sponsors
  • Monthly emails with latest research, new discoveries and useful tips
  • Q&A, guidance and advice from marketing experts
  • Priority access to add-on market research services

Contribution: from USD $60,000 p.a.

Most Popular – Regional

  • 2 seminars, led by our senior marketing scientists
  • Regional access to decades of research via our app and website for Sponsors
  • Monthly emails with latest research, new discoveries and useful tips
  • Q&A, guidance and advice from marketing experts
  • Priority access to add-on market research services

Contribution: USD $90,000 p.a.

Fast Track

  • How Brands Grow – Live! – a tailored senior team workshop embedding evidence-based growth approaches
  • Offered as a face to face (2 day) or virtual (5 day) option
  • An in-depth interactive program covering key insights, tools, and research that enables brands to compete more effectively and efficiently
  • Customised with key research projects exploring the fundamentals of consumer behaviour and brand identity cues in your markets
  • Brought to a conclusion with an initial roadmap developed by participants to begin the integration of the learnings into the business
  • … plus all the inclusions of a Baseline/Regional membership

Contribution: from USD $92,700 (+ travel) plus USD $60,000 p.a.

Get in touch now and start your journey to Evidence-Based Marketing


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The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science is the world’s largest centre for research into marketing. Our team of market research experts can help you grow your brand and develop a culture of evidence-based marketing.