2nd of March 2024

Published by Medium See original article

Exploring Brand Health with Jenni Romaniuk

In a world where brand perception can make or break market success, understanding your brand’s health might be more crucial than ever. I interviewed Jenni Romaniuk of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, who after co-authoring “How Brands Grow 2,” together with Byron Sharp now brings clarity to the concept of brand health in her new and aptly named book, “Better Brand Health.”

Interviewer (Coen):

“Jenni, could you share a bit about yourself before we dive in?”

Jenni Romaniuk:

I’m immersed in the science of branding, serving as a research professor and the associate director international at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute. My passion lies in dissecting and enhancing the understanding of how brands grow and remain healthy in the consumer’s mind, which is the centerpiece of my book.”


“Jenni, your pioneering approach has had a big impact on branding. Can you delve into the philosophy that underpins your writing methodology?”

Jenni Romaniuk:

“Writing, for me, is an expedition into the heart of branding. It requires an unwavering commitment to understanding and an unquenchable curiosity. In my work, particularly in ‘Better Brand Health,’ I strive to weave a narrative grounded in empirical evidence while also elevating the discourse on branding. The philosophy that drives me is one of relentless pursuit of knowledge — to challenge existing assumptions, to venture into uncharted territories, and to return with solid insights that help the branding field forward. It’s about crafting a narrative that’s not only reflective of my personal growth but also equips the readers with practical tools to navigate the complexities of modern branding.”


“How does this reflective process impact your writing approach?”


“Immensely. Each book reflects my journey at that point in time — a confluence of what I know, what I question, and what I seek to understand. The duality of this process means that I embark on each writing project with a foundational concept, a belief or a theory that I’m prepared to defend or deconstruct. As the writing progresses, it’s shaped by new research, insights from peers, and shifts in the market, transforming into a living document that captures the dynamic reality of the branding industry. It’s a testament to the idea that our understanding of branding must be as dynamic as the marketplace itself.”

Read the full interview on Medium.


Now available as an eBook exclusively to Apple iBooks


The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science is the world’s largest centre for research into marketing. Our team of market research experts can help you grow your brand and develop a culture of evidence-based marketing.