These are our training programs where marketers can go beyond what’s in the pages of How Brands Grow and participate in in-depth discussion and unpack evidence-based knowledge.


Exclusively available to Ehrenberg-Bass Sponsor companies.

How Brands Grow Live! helps Ehrenberg-Bass Sponsors to rise above competitors by providing the evidence and tools to make smarter decisions and implement world’s-best-practice marketing.

The two-day intensive workshop uncovers the Institute’s core knowledge.

Learn how to separate marketing fact from fiction, and what to keep doing, start doing and stop doing.

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How Brands Grow Live!for Executives is open to all public marketing individuals.

Whether you are a C-Suite marketing executive with a global team, a business owner looking to expand your footprint, or an aspiring young leader – this experience is for those who want to achieve evidence-based growth.

How Brands Grow – for Executives equips you, the decision-maker, with the critical evidence and tools to implement best-practice marketing techniques. Gain insights from independent experts through interactive workshops and dynamic discussions.


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Now available as an eBook exclusively to Apple iBooks


The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science is the world’s largest centre for research into marketing. Our team of market research experts can help you grow your brand and develop a culture of evidence-based marketing.