15th of May 2023

Published by Marketing Tribune See original article

Factors you should pay attention to with promotional gifts

Some people still think of a notepad and a pen when they think of business gifts, but you real marketing connoisseurs know better of course. For you it is a foregone conclusion that promotional gifts can also contribute to the growth of the brand.

Just look at how the strategic use of business gifts fits effortlessly into Byron Sharp’s model.

That growth model of Byron Sharp is well known, right? The bottom line is that brands that grow: always remain in the attention of consumers, constantly add new associations to the brand, and remain consistent yet striking so that people think of it when they consider buying a product. And so when you buy a can of energy drink you always think of Max Verstappen and when you think of a new iPhone you always think of that special Steve Jobs who was a genius and who perfectly conveyed ‘Think Different’.

Read the full article in Marketing Tribune.


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