16th of June 2023

Published by Marketing Week Greece See original article

Jenni Romaniuk: “The priority is to increase the customer base”

Great turnout at Boussias Events’ How Brands Grow

With a large participation of executives from the field of marketing and branding, Boussias Events’ “How Brands Grow” took place yesterday, June 15, with keynote speaker Jenni Romaniuk, distinguished author, researcher, professor and International Director of the world’s No. 1 research organization for brand management, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science at the University of South Australia.

In her first meeting with the Greek public, Romaniuk argued for the priority that should be given to increasing a brand’s customer base over aiming to increase customer loyalty.

Building loyal buyers or targeting specific, niche market audiences may seem like logical decisions, however, data shows that as tactics they do not enhance brand growth. He also emphasized that since the goal is to grow the customer base, the means is to reach as many people as possible.

Read the full article in Marketing Week Greece.


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