PMX New Zealand joins as a sponsor of the Ehrenberg-Bass to drive research capabilities
The Ehrenberg-Bass Institute is a global leader in evidence-based marketing, and through joining as a participator in Ehrenberg-Bass Sponsorship (the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute’s marketing research and development program), PMX New Zealand ensures foundational marketing knowledge becomes a key pillar of the PMX Research platform.
Built by PMX ANZ, Publicis Groupe ANZ’s media investment and intelligence practice, the PMX Research platform is focused on moving beyond media metrics to drive client outcomes.
PMX New Zealand’s sponsorship of Ehrenberg-Bass will provide a layer of academic rigour over the PMX Research investigations by allowing the team and media agencies MBM New Zealand and Spark Foundry New Zealand to connect directly with the Institute’s researchers and its research. The sponsorship will ultimately yield more comprehensive and insightful findings, establishing best media practices and insight for clients.
Read the full article in Campaign Brief.