Dr Nicole Hartnett
Senior Marketing Scientist
Nicole’s research expertise focuses on advertising and media with a particular interest in how to design sales effective advertising content. Her research spans advertising measurement, advertising management and decision making, distinctive brand assets, brand performance metrics and consumer behaviour.
She has worked extensively with the Institute’s sponsors around the world, including managing brand health trackers, and delivering strategic insights to several large consumer packaged goods companies. Nicole holds the role of Associate Editor of the Journal of Advertising Research.
Academic Publications
Williams, N Hartnett, G Trinh (2023), ‘Finding creative drivers of advertising effectiveness with modern data analysis’, International Journal of Market Research 65 (4), 423-447
P Phua, N Hartnett, V Beal, G Trinh, R Kennedy (2023), ‘When Brands Go Dark: A Replication and Extension: Examining Market Share of Brands That Stop Advertising for a Year or Longer’, Journal of Advertising Research 63 (2), 172-184
A Tanusondjaja, A Michelon, N Hartnett, L Stocchi (2023), ‘Reaching Voters on Social Media: Planning Political Advertising on Snapchat’, International Journal of Market Research, 14707853231175085
B Wooley, S Bellman, N Hartnett, A Rask, D Varan (2022), ‘Influence of dynamic content on visual attention during video advertisements’, European Journal of Marketing 56 (13), 137-166
N Hartnett, A Gelzinis, V Beal, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2021), ‘When brands go dark: Examining sales trends when brands stop broad-reach advertising for long periods’, Journal of Advertising Research 61 (3), 247-259
N Hartnett, L Greenacre, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2020), ‘Extending validity testing of the Persuasion Principles Index’, European Journal of Marketing 54 (9), 2245-2255
Phua, P., Page, B., Trinh, G., Kennedy, R. and Hartnett, N. (2020), ‘Examining Older Consumers’ Loyalty Towards Older Brands in Grocery Retailing’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52(1), ABDC A.
Bellman, S., Nenycz-Thiel, M., Kennedy, R., Hartnett, N. and Varan, D. (2019), ‘Best Measures of Attention to Creative Tactics in TV Advertising’, Journal of Advertising Research, 59(3), pp. 295-311, ABDC A.
Kennedy, R. and Hartnett, N., (2018), ‘Marketing is Scrambled: All Evidence-Based Theorists Are Invited to Breakfast’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 303-306.
Dawes, J., Bond, A., Hartnett, N., & Sharp, B., (2017), ‘Does Double Jeopardy Apply Using Average Spend Per Buyer as the Loyalty Metric?’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 261-268.
Romaniuk, J. and Hartnett, N., (2017), ‘The Relative Influence of Advertising and Word of Mouth on Viewing New Season Television Programmes’, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 65-81.
Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B., and Greenacre, L., (2016), ‘Marketers’ Intuitions about the Effectiveness of Advertisements’, Journal of Marketing Behavior, vol 2, no. 2/3, pp.177-194.
Hartnett, N., Romaniuk, J., and Kennedy, R., (2016), ‘Comparing Direct and Indirect Branding in Advertising’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol 24, no. 1, pp. 20-28.
Sharp, B. and Hartnett, N., (2016), ‘Generalisability of Advertising Persuasion Principles’, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 50, no. 1/2, pp. 301-305.
Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B., and Greenacre, L., (2016), ‘Creative That Sells: How Advertising Execution Affects Sales’, Journal of Advertising, vol. 45 no. 1, pp. 102-112.
Kennedy, R., Sharp, B. and Hartnett, N., (2017), ‘Advertising Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice, 2nd Ed.’, Oxford University Press, Australia, pp. 438-493
Nelson-Field, K., Taylor, J. and Hartnett, N., (2013), ‘The Pay Off, Viral Marketing: The Science of Sharing’, Oxford University Press, Australia, pp. 69-78.
Romaniuk, J. and Hartnett, N. (2013), ‘More Than Just a Pretty Face: The Marketing Role of Colours, Fonts, and Logos’, Research Design for Business, vol. 1, pp. 176-185.