Dr Steven Dunn
Senior Marketing Scientist
Steven’s key area of interest is pricing and price promotions. His research includes understanding factors that influence brand price elasticities and synergies between price promotions and advertising.
Steven is actively involved in a wide-range of research projects for the Institute’s domestic and international clients. He has extensive skills and expertise in areas including in-store research, brand health tracking, choice experiments and quantitative data analysis.
Academic Publications
H McDonald, S Dunn, D Schreyer, B Sharp (2023), Understanding consumer behaviour in evolving subscription markets–lessons from sports season tickets research, Journal of Service Management
S Dunn, M Nenycz-Thiel, C Graham, J Dawes, A Tanusondjaja (2022), Investigating Patterns of Category Growth and Decline, Social Science Research Network
A Tanusondjaja, C Graham, S Dunn, M Nenycz-Thiel, B McColl (2022), A rising tide lifts all boats: the role of share and category changes in managing organic sales growth, Journal of Strategic Marketing 30 (6), 588-605
S Dunn, C Graham, M Nenycz-Thiel, A Tanusondjaja (2021), Investigating Undercurrents of Stationarity and Growth With Long-Term Panel Data, International Journal of Market Research 63 (6), 786-809
A Tanusondjaja, S Dunn, C Miari (2021), Examining manufacturer concentration metrics in consumer packaged goods, International Journal of Market Research 63 (4), 471-493
S Dunn, J Dawes, S Bogomolova (2020), The effects of competitive context on consumer response to price changes, Journal of Marketing Management 36 (7-8), 608-632
S Dunn, C Graham, M Nenycz-Thiel, A Tanusondjaja (2020), Marketing Research Faces Two Challenges and a World of Opportunity with Long-Term Panel Data, Available at SSRN 3880203
Bogomolova, S., Dunn, S., Trinh, G., Taylor, J., & Volpe, R. J. (2015). Price promotion landscape in the US and UK: Depicting retail practice to inform future research agenda. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 25, 1-11.
Greenacre, L., Tanusondjaja, A., Dunn, S. and Page, B. (2015). “Using choice experiments to find double jeopardy patterns” International Journal of Market Research, 57(5)
Bogomolova, S., Tan, P. J., Dunn, S. P. and Bizjak-Mikic, M. (2015). Understanding the factors that influence patient satisfaction with ambulance services. Health and Marketing Quarterly, Forthcoming.
Greenacre, L., Dunn, S., and Mocanu, A. (2015). Heterogeneity in the consistency of best-worst scale responses. Australasian Marketing Journal, Forthcoming.
Dunn, S., Bogomolova, S. and Dawes, J. (2013). An investigation into the effect of competitive context on brand price elasticities. International Choice Modeling Conference, Sydney.
Trinh, G., Dunn, S. and Bogomolova, S. (2012). Prevalence and nature of price promotions in uk supermarkets. In ANZMAC. Adelaide: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.
Dunn, S., Bogomolova, S. and Dawes, J. (2012). Brand price elasticities: An examination of contextual effects. In ANZMAC. Adelaide: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy.
Bogomolova, S. and Dunn, S. (2012). Price framing techniques in supermarkets around the world. EMAC, Lisbon, Portugal
Dunn, S., Bogomolova, S. and Sharp, B. (2010). Nonconscious influence of colour on brand choice. European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen.
S Dunn, C Graham, A Tanusondjaja, M Nenycz-Thiel (2020), Is Category Expansion a Realistic Long-Term Objective for Established Brands?, 2020 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress Brisbane, Australia
DR Bennett, JOHN Scriven, STEVEN Dunn (2017), Pricing and Discounting, Oxford University Press (OUP)