Professor Anne Souvertjis

Senior Marketing Scientist

Professor Anne Souvertjis is a Professor of Marketing and a founding member of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute. Much of Anne’s work has the common theme of applying marketing science knowledge to sustainable marketing.  Her work has covered the impact of retail bans on single use plastic bags, householder waste and recycling behaviour, householder food waste, developing measures for repairing, reusing and waste avoidance, and the sharing (buying avoidance) economy. Anne also researches retail shopper behaviour, with current work looking at the effect of consumer goods carbon labelling on choice. She helps organisations understand human behaviour around sustainability so they can develop and market better products, ideas, campaigns and engagement strategies. 
Anne has published over 50 academic papers, with her work appearing in respected journals such as the European Journal of Marketing and the International Journal of Research in Marketing (twice). The Institute’s strong industry-partnering in its research has seen Anne work with government, regulatory bodies and industry. She has been a full member of the The Research Society for over 20 years and teaches Market Research at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level and serves as a University ethics chair and advisor. 

Academic Publications

S Akbar, A Sharp (2020), Strengths and challenges of Aboriginal art centre marketing., Australian Aboriginal Studies

A Sharp, S Davison (2019), Shifting from Car Ownership to Car Usership, CRC for Low Carbon Living

B Page, A Sharp, L Lockshin, H Sorensen (2019), Using the Eyberg Child Behaviour Inventory to investigate Pester Power, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 47, 265-271

Tan, P. J., Corsi, A., Cohen, J., Sharp, A., Lockshin, L., Caruso, W. and Bogomolova, S. (2018), ‘Assessing the sales effectiveness of differently located endcaps in a supermarket’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 43, pp. 200–208.

Caruso, W., Corsi, A., Bogomolova, S., Cohen, J., Sharp, A., Lockshin, L. and Tan P.J. (2018), ‘The Real Estate Value of Supermarket Endcaps’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 177-188.

Page, B., Sharp, A., Lockshin, L. and Sorensen, H. (2018), ‘Parents and Children in Supermarkets: Incidence and Influence’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 40 (January), pp 31-39.

Sorensen, H., Bogomolova, S., Anderson, K., Trinh, G., Sharp, A., Kennedy, R., Page, B. and Wright, M. (2017), ‘Fundamental patterns of in-store shopper behavior’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 37, pp. 182-94.

Thompson, K., O’Dwyer, L., Sharp, A., Smith B., Reynolds, C., Hadley, T., Hazel, S., (2015), “What’s in a Dog’s Breakfast? Considering the Social, Veterinary and Environmental Implications of Feeding Food Scraps to Pets Using Three Australian Surveys. Sustainability special issue on Understanding, Measuring and Avoiding Food Waste Across the Food Chain”, doi:10.3390/su7067195

Reynolds, C., Mavrakis, V,. Davison, S., Høj, S., Vlaholias, E., Sharp, A.,Thompson, K., Ward, P., Coveney, J., Piantadosi, J., Boland, J., Dawson, D., (2014), “Estimating informal household food waste in developed countries: the case of Australia, Waste Management and Research”. doi: 10.1177/0734242X14549797

Berry, Stephen, Sharp, A., Killip, G., Hamilton, J. (2014), “Inspiring low-energy renovations: the influence of ‘open home’ events, Building Information and Research (special issue on energy retrofits in owner-occupied homes)“, 42 (4) 422-33, ’A’ ranked journal in the building discipline. This is a cross-disciplinary publications with co-authors from the Oxford University Environment Change Institute.

Sharp, A., Wheeler, M. (2013) Reducing Householders’ Grocery Carbon Emissions: Carbon Literacy and Carbon Label Preferences, Australasian Marketing Journal, 21(4), 240-249. ‘A’ ranked journal.

Wheeler M., Sharp A. and Nenycz-Thiel, M. (2013) “The Effect of ‘Green’ Messages on Brand Purchase and Brand Rejection”Australasian Marketing Journal 21 (1), 105-110. ‘A’ ranked journal.

Page, B., Sharp A. (2012) “The Contribution of Marketing to School-based Program Evaluation, Journal of Social Marketing”, 2 (3), pp 176-186. (a new and rising journal)

Sharp, A., Moore, P., Anderson & K. (2011) Are Those who Respond First to an Online Survey Different from the Laggards?, Australasian Journal of Market and Social Research 19(1), June, 25-33. ‘B’ ranked journal but influential in the market research industry.

Sharp, A., Høj, S. & Wheeler, M. (2010) Proscription and its Impact on Anti-Consumption Behaviour and Attitudes: the Case of Plastic Bags. Journal of Consumer Behaviour (special issue: Sustainability Through Anti-consumption, 9 (6), pp.470-484. ‘A’ ranked journal.

Sharp, A. and Anderson, K. (2010) Online Citizen Panels as an Advance in Research and Consultation – A Review of Pilot Results. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, No. 6 (July), 33-54. ‘C’ ranked journal but targeted due to high local government readership and its alliance with the Centre of Excellence in Local Government.

Sharp, A. and Høj, S. (2009) Communicating the Sustainability Message to the Public: Lessons from Marketing, The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability, Vol.5 (4), ‘C’ ranked journal, but a key outlet for multi-disciplinary sustainability papers.

Bogomolova, S., Romaniuk, J., and Sharp A. (2009) Quantifying the Extent of Temporal Decay in Service Quality Ratings, International Journal of Market Research, Vol.51, Issue 1, 71-91. ‘A‘ ranked journal.

Wright, M., Sharp, A. Sharp, B. (2002) Market Statistics for the Dirichlet Model: Using the Juster Scale to Replace Panel Data, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol 19, Issue 1, 81-90. ‘A*’ ranked journal.

Wright, M., and Sharp, A. (2001) The Effect of a New Brand Entrant on a Market, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, Vol. 6, 15-29. ‘C’ ranked journal, but strategically important for the Institute.

Sharp A. (2001) Making Two Plus Two Equal Five: Active Usage of Client Data in Evaluation Research, Evaluation Journal of Australasia, Vol 1(2), 41-46. This is the journal of the Evaluation Society of Australia and was chosen for audience reach.

Sharp A., Eddy, C. (2001) Softly, Softly Catch the Monkey: Innovative Approaches to Measure Socially Sensitive and Complex Issues in Evaluation Research, The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, Vol 16 (2), 87-99. ‘C’ ranked journal.

Wright M., Sharp A., Sharp B. (1998) Are Australian Brands Different?, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 7( 6), 465-480. ‘A’ ranked journal.

Sharp B., Sharp A. (1997) Loyalty Programs and their Impact on Repeat-purchase Loyalty Patterns, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 14(5), 473-487. ‘A*’ ranked journal.

Sharp, A, Sharp B. (1997Understanding Salesperson Effectiveness: A comparison of Telemarketing and Face-to-face Sales Interactions, Journal of the American Telemarketing Association, 22-31. ‘C’ ranked journal.

Sharp A., Smith J. (1991) Champagne’s Sparkling Success, International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol.3 (1), 13-20. ‘C’ ranked journal.

Sharp A., Smith J. (1990) Champagne: A Sustainable Competitive Advantage, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.24 (4), 18-27. ‘A*’ ranked journal.

A Sharp (2020),  Sandra Davison, Lisanne van Geffen, Erica van Herpen and, Routledge Handbook of Food Waste

S Davison, EJ van Geffen, HWI van Herpen, A Sharp (2020), Applying Behaviour Change Methods to Food Waste, Routledge Handbook of Food Waste

A Sharp, S Davison (2019), Demand for Sharing Economy Mobility Services: The Market, Brand Growth & Behaviour,

Davison, S. and Sharp, A. (2019 forthcoming), ‘Householder Food Waste Prevention Campaigns: Contributions from Psychology and Marketing’, Chapter 34 in Preventing food losses and waste to achieve food security and sustainability (ed. Prof. Elhadi M. Yahia), Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.

Sharp, A., Stocchi, L., Levitzke, V., Krienhold, M., (2018), ‘Developing Measures for the Waste Management Hierarchy: A South Australian Case Study’, Chapter 9, Eds Crocker R., Saint, C., Chen, G., Tong, Y. ISBN978-1-78714-620-4.

Sharp, A. and Anderson K. (2017), ‘Market Research’ in B. Sharp (Ed.) Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice, Oxford University Press, Australia. 130-181.

Sharp, A., Faulkner, M., Wilson, A. and Bogomolova, S. (2017), ‘Social Marketing’ in B. Sharp (Ed.) Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice’, Oxford University Press, Australia. 130-181.

Sharp A. and Anderson K. (2013) Market Research in B. Sharp (Ed.) Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice, Oxford University Press, Australia. 130-181.

Sharp A. (2013) Sustainable Marketing: Principle and Practice in G. Wells (ed.) Sustainable business: theory and practice of business under sustainability principles. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK. 108-119.

Davison, S., Thompson, K., Sharp A. and Dawson D. (2012) Reducing Wasteful Household Behaviours: Contributions from Psychology and Implications for Intervention Design, in Designing for Zero Waste, Earthscan, London. 67-88.


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