Professor Byron Sharp
Professor Byron Sharp is a Professor of Marketing Science and Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute – the world’s largest centre for research into marketing.
His first book How Brands Grow: what marketers don’t know has been called one of the most influential marketing books of the past decade (Warc, 2015) and was voted marketing book of the year by AdAge readers. In 2015 he published the follow-up How Brands Grow Part 2 with Professor Jenni Romaniuk. He has also written a textbook Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice which reflects modern knowledge about marketing and evidence-based thinking. The revised 2nd edition of the textbook was published in 2017.
Academic Publications
Sharp, B 2010, How Brands Grow, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Sharp, B 2013, Marketing: Theory, evidence, practice, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Romaniuk, J and Sharp, B 2015, How Brands Grow:part 2, Oxford University Press.
Nelson-Field, K, Sharp, B & Riebe, E 2012, ‘Reach (Still) Reigns’, Viral Marketing: the science of sharing, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, pp. 57-68.
Sharp, B & Dawes, J 1996, ‘Is Differentiation Optional? A Critique of Porter’s Generic Strategy Typology’, in Earl, P (ed), Management, Marketing and the Competitive Process, Edward Elgar, London.
GT Trinh, J Dawes, B Sharp (2023). ‘Where is the brand growth potential? An examination of buyer groups’, Marketing Letters, 1-12
ZW Anesbury, S Bellman, C Driesener, B Page, B Sharp (2022), ‘Ageism kills brands‘, Australasian Marketing Journal 30 (4), 364-370
J Dawes, C Graham, G Trinh, B Sharp (2022). ‘The unbearable lightness of buying‘, Journal of Marketing Management 38 (7-8), 683-708
A Grasby, A Corsi, J Dawes, C Driesener, B Sharp (2022), ‘How loyalty extends across product categories‘, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 153-163
G Trinh, J Dawes, MJ Wright, N Danenberg, B Sharp (2022), ‘Extended conditional trend analysis: Predicting triple period buyer flows with a tri‐variate NBD model‘, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 92-101
N Hartnett, A Gelzinis, V Beal, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2021), ‘When brands go dark: Examining sales trends when brands stop broad-reach advertising for long periods‘, Journal of Advertising Research 61 (3), 247-259
K Vaughan, AM Corsi, V Beal, B Sharp (2021), ‘Measuring advertising’s effect on mental availability‘, International Journal of Market Research 63 (5), 665-681
ZW Anesbury, CB Driesener, B Page, S Bellman, B Sharp (2020), ‘Net audiences: a comparison of the Sainsbury Normal Method and the Sainsbury Weighted Method‘, Journal of Marketing Management 36 (15-16), 1591-1610
N Hartnett, L Greenacre, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2020), ‘Extending validity testing of the Persuasion Principles Index‘, European Journal of Marketing 54 (9), 2245-2255
AL Wilson, C Nguyen, S Bogomolova, B Sharp, T Olds (2019), ‘Analysing how physical activity competes: a cross-disciplinary application of the Duplication of Behaviour Law‘, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 16, 1-13
J Dawes, R Kennedy, K Green, B Sharp (2018), Forecasting advertising and media effects on sales: Econometrics and alternatives, International Journal of Market Research 60 (6), 611-620
V Beal, J Romaniuk, B Sharp (2018), Television advertising television: measuring the ability of television promos to deliver ratings for new programs using single-source data. International Journal of Advertising 37 (3), 463-481
J Dawes, A Bond, N Hartnett, B Sharp (2017), Does double jeopardy apply using average spend per buyer as the loyalty metric? Australasian Marketing Journal 25 (4), 261-268
B Sharp, M Wright, R Kennedy, C Nguyen (2017), Viva la revolution! For evidence-based marketing we strive, Australasian Marketing Journal 25 (4), 341-346
J Scriven, M Clemente, J Dawes, G Trinh, B Sharp (2017), Buying brands at both regular price and on promotion over time, Australasian marketing journal 25 (4), 252-260
AL Wilson, B Sharp, C Nguyen, S Bogomolova (2017), Expanding marketing empirical generalisations to health behaviours: physical activity is not so different from buying behaviour, after-all, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) 25 (4), 317-325
B Sharp, N Hartnett (2016), Generalisability of advertising persuasion principles, European Journal of Marketing 50 (1/2), 301-305
Beal, V., Romaniuk, J. & Sharp, B., (2017), ‘Television advertising television: measuring the ability of television promos to deliver ratings for new programmes using single-source data.’, International Journal of Advertising, pp. 1-32.
Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B. & Greenacre, L., (2016), ‘Creative that sells: How advertising execution affects sales.‘, Journal of Advertising, vol. 45, no.1, pp. 102-12.
N Hartnett, R Kennedy, B Sharp, L Greenacre (2016), Marketers’ Intuitions about the Sales Effectiveness of Advertisements, Journal of Marketing Behavior 2 (2–3), 177-194
N Danenberg, R Kennedy, V Beal, B Sharp (2016), Advertising budgeting: a reinvestigation of the evidence on brand size and spend, Journal of Advertising 45 (1), 139-146
Danenberg, N., Kennedy, R., Beal, V. & Sharp, B., (2016), ‘Advertising budgeting: A re-investigation of the evidence on brand size and spend.’, Journal of Advertising, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 139-46.
Sharp, B., (2014). ‘The CMO’s legacy.’, Admap.
Riebe, E, Wright, M, Stern, P & Sharp, B., (2014), ‘How to grow a brand: Retain or acquire customers?‘, Journal of Business Research, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 990-997.
Wind, Y, Sharp, B & Nelson-Field, K., (2013), ‘Empirical Generalizations: New Laws for Digital Marketing’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 175-180.
Nelson-Field, K, Riebe, K & Sharp, B., (2013), ‘More Mutter About Clutter: Extending Empirical Generalizations to Facebook’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 186-191.
Sharp, B, Wright, M, Dawes, J, Driesener, C, Meyer-Waarden, L, Stocchi, L & Stern, P 2012, ‘It’s a Dirichlet World: Modeling individuals’ Loyalties reveals How Brands Compete, Grow, and Decline’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 203-213.
Cohen, J, Lockshin, L & Sharp, B 2012, ‘A better understanding of the structure of a wine market using the attribute of variety’, International Journal of Business and Globalisation, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 66-80.
Nelson-Field, K, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2012, ‘What’s Not to “Like?”: Can a Facebook Fan Base Give a Brand the Advertising Reach It Needs?’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 262-269.
B Sharp, M Wright, J Dawes, C Driesener, L Meyer-Waarden, L Stocchi, … (2012), It’s a Dirichlet world: Modeling individuals’ loyalties reveals how brands compete, grow, and decline, Journal of Advertising Research 52 (2), 203-213
K Nelson-Field, E Riebe, B Sharp (2012), What’s not to, Journal of Advertising Research 52 (2)
Sharp, B, Lockshin, L & Cohen, J., (2011), ‘How do Fine Wine Brands Grow?’, 6th Academy of WIne Business Research (AWBR) Conference, Bordeaux, France, 9-10 June.
Anderson, K & Sharp, B., (2010), ‘Do growing brands win younger consumers?’, International Journal of Market Research, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 433-442.
B Sharp (2010), Ehrenberg’s View of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research 50 (4), 352-353
M Nenycz-Thiel, B Sharp, J Dawes, J Romaniuk (2010), Competition for memory retrieval between private label and national brands, Journal of Business research 63 (11), 1142-1147
K Anderson, B Sharp (2010), Do growing brands win younger consumers? International Journal of Market Research 52 (4), 433-441
K Nelson-Field, G Lees, E Riebe, B Sharp (2010), How successful are media differentiation attempts? Marketing Bulletin 21
Dawes, J, Mundt, K & Sharp, B., (2009), ‘Consideration sets for financial services brands’, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 190-202.
Nenycz-Thiel, M, Sharp, B, Dawes, J & Romaniuk, J., (2009), ‘Competition for memory retrieval between private label and national brands’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 1142-1147.
Newstead, K, Taylor, J, Kennedy, R & Sharp, B., (2009), ‘The long-term sales effects of advertising: lessons from single source’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 207-210.
Sharp, B, Beal, V & Collins, M., (2009), ‘Television: back to the future’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 211-219
Sharp, B & Wind, J., (2009), ‘Today’s advertising laws: will they survive the digital revolution?’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 120-126.
Taylor, J, Kennedy, R & Sharp, B., (2009), ‘Making generalizations about advertising’s convex sales response function: is once really enough?’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 198-200.
Wind, J & Sharp, B., (2009), ‘Advertising empirical generalizations: implications for research and action’, Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 246-252.
K Newstead, J Taylor, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2009), The total long-term sales effects of advertising: Lessons from single source, Journal of Advertising Research 49 (2), 207-210
J Taylor, R Kennedy, B Sharp (2009), Is once really enough? Making generalizations about advertising’s convex sales response function, Journal of Advertising Research 49 (2), 198-200
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (2008), Where knowledge of your brand resides: the pareto share of brand knowledge, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Adelaide.
B Sharp (2008), Net promoter score fails the test, Marketing research 20 (4), 28-30
Romaniuk, J, Sharp, B & Ehrenberg, A., (2007), ‘Evidence concerning the importance of perceived brand differentiation’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 42-54. Download
Mundt, K, Dawes, J & Sharp, B., (2006), ‘Can a brand outperform competitors on cross-category loyalty? An examination of cross-selling metrics in two financial services markets’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 465-469.
B Sharp, E Riebe (2005), Does triple jeopardy exist for retail chains? Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 9 (2)
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (2004), ‘Conceptualizing and measuring brand salience’, Marketing Theory, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 327-342. Download
Romaniuk, J, Sharp, B, Paech, S & Driesener, C., (2004), ‘Brand and advertising awareness: A replication and extension of a known empirical generalisation’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 70-80. Download
Sharp, B., (2004), ‘Book review: meaningful marketing: 100 data-proven truths and 402 practical ideas for selling more with less effort’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 104-105. Download
J Romaniuk, B Sharp (2004), Conceptualizing and measuring brand salience, Marketing Theory 4 (4), 327-342
J Romaniuk, B Sharp, S Paech, C Driesener (2004), Brand and advertising awareness: a replication and extension of a known empirical generalisation, Australasian marketing journal 12 (3), 70-80
B Sharp (2004), Meaningful Marketing: 100 Data-Proven Truths and 402 Practical Ideas for Selling More With Less Effort, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) 12 (3), 104-105
Corkindale, D, McDonald, H & Sharp, B., (2003), ‘A critical appraisal of the accepted theory of the Diffusion of Innovations’, Special Edition on High Technology Marketing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 84-95.
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (2003), ‘Brand Salience and Customer Defection in Subscription Markets‘, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 19, pp. 25-44
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (2003), ‘Measuring brand perceptions: Testing quantity and quality’, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 218-229.
H McDonald, D Corkindale, B Sharp (2003), Behavioral versus demographic predictors of early adoption: a critical analysis and comparative test, Journal of Marketing theory and Practice 11 (3), 84-95
Sharp, B, Riebe, E, Dawes, JG & Danenberg, N., (2002), ‘A Marketing Economy of Scale – Big Brands Lose Less of their Customer Base than Small Brands’, Marketing Bulletin, vol. 13, no. May, pp. 1-8. Download
Sharp, B, Wright, M & Goodhardt, G., (2002), ‘Purchase loyalty is polarised into either repertoire or subscription patterns’, Australasian Marketing Journal, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 7-20. Download
Wright, M, Sharp, A & Sharp, B., (2002), ‘Market Statistics for the Dirichlet Model: Using the Juster Scale to Replace Panel Data’, International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 81 – 90.
Sharp, B & Dawes, JG., (2001), ‘What is Differentiation and How Does it Work?’, Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 17, pp. 739-759.
Cierpicki, S, Wright, M & Sharp, B., (2000), ‘Managers’ Knowledge of Marketing Principles: The Case of New Product Development’, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, vol. 5, pp. 771-790. Download
Dawes, J & Sharp, B., (2000), ‘The Reliability and Validity of Objective Measures of Customer Service: “Mystery Shopping”‘, Australasian Journal of Market Research, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 29-46.
Ehrenberg, ASC, Barnard, NR & Sharp, B., (2000), ‘Decision Models or Descriptive Models?‘, International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 17, no. 2-3, September, pp. 147-158.
Kennedy, R, Sharp, B & Rungie, C., (2000), ‘How Ad Liking (LA) Relates to Branding & the Implications for Advertising Testing’, Australasian Journal of Market Research, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 9-19.
Macdonald, E & Sharp, B., (2000), ‘Brand Awareness Effects on Consumer Decision Making for a Common, Repeat Purchase Product: A Replication’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 5-15
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (2000), ‘Using Known Patterns in Image Data to Determine Brand Positioning’, International Journal of Market Research, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 219-230.
Maio Mackay, M, Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B., (1998), ‘A Classification of Brand Equity Research Endeavours’, Journal of Brand Management, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 415-429.
Riquier, C, Kennedy, R & Sharp., (1998), ‘Behaviours Versus Demographics as Identifiers of CHAID Splits: Implications for Segment Formation’, Journal of Segmentation in Marketing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 111-129.
Sharp, B., (1998), ‘Comment on the Future of Loyalty Schemes: Can Loyalty Schemes Reduce Customer Vulnerability?’, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 22-24
Wright, M, Sharp, A & Sharp, B., (1998), ‘Are Australasian brands different?’, Journal of Brand and Product Management, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 465-480.
Sharp, A & Sharp, B., (1997), ‘Understanding Salesperson Effectiveness: A Comparison of Telemarketing and Face-to-Face Sales Interactions’, Journal of the American Telemarketing Association, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22-30.
Sharp, B & Sharp, A., (1997), ‘Loyalty Programs and Their Impact on Repeat-Purchase Loyalty Patterns’, International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 473-486.
Riquier, C, Luxton, S & Sharp, B., (1997), ‘Probabilistic Segmentation Modelling’, Journal of the Market Research Society, vol. 39, no. No. 4, October, pp. 571-587.
Dawes, J & Sharp, B., (1996), ‘Independent Empirical Support for Porter’s Generic Marketing Strategies? A Re-analysis using Correspondence Analysis’, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, vol. 1, pp. 36-53. Download
Kennedy, R, Riquier, C & Sharp, B., (1996), ‘Practical Applications of Correspondence Analysis to Categorical Data in Market Research’, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 56-70.
Riquier, C, Luxton, S & Sharp, B., (1996), ‘Probabilistic Segmentation Using CHAID and the Verbal Probability Scale’, New Zealand Journal of Business, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 27-41.
Sharp, B., (1995), ‘Brand Equity and Market-Based Assets of Professional Service Firms’, Journal of Professional Services Marketing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 3-13.
Sharp, B., (1995), ‘Business Orientations and Corporate Success: A Correspondence Analysis of Wong and Saunders’ Findings’, Journal of Strategic Marketing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 205-214.
Sharp, B., (1993), ‘Managing Brand Extension’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 11-17.
Sharp, B., (1991), ‘Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited’, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 4-10.
Sharp, B., (1991), ‘Marketing Orientation: More Than Just Customer Focus’, International Marketing Review, vol. 8, pp. 20-25.
Sharp, B., (1991), ‘The Marketing Value of Brand Extension’, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, vol. 9, pp. 9-13
Livaditis, M, Sharp, A & Sharp, B 2012, ‘Evidence of Naturally Bias Behaviour – Seating Habits at a Lecture’, ANZMAC, Adelaide.
Dunn, S, Bogomolova, S & Sharp, B 2010, ‘Nonconscious influence of colour on brand choice’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Copenhagen, 1-4 June.
Newstead, K, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2009, ‘Extreme burst or extreme continuity? findings from an Australian scheduling experiment’, ESOMAR WM3, Stockholm, 5-6 May.
Ceber, M, Sharp, B & Kennedy, R 2008, ‘A closer look at TV’s desirable audience: the light TV viewer’, ANZMAC, Sydney, 1-3 December.
Nelson-Field, K, Lees, G, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2007, ‘A multi-year study of how well radio propositions describe their actual listener base with implications for targeting strategy’, ANZMAC, Adelaide.
Danenberg, N, Sharp, B & Kennedy, R 2006, ‘Some practical & theoretical difficulties of target marketing’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, 23-26 May.
Sharp, B, Driesener, C & Rungie, C 2006, ‘Confirmation of the Dirichlet brand loyalty parameter limits for repertoire categories: 127 replications’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, 23-26 May.
Nelson-Field, K, Lees, G, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2005, ‘How well do radio network marketers portray their own audiences? A study of the differences in radio audience demographics with implications for targeting strategy’, ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Perth, WA, 5-7 December.
Allsopp, J, Sharp, B & Dawes, J 2004, ‘The double jeopardy line- empirical results’, ANZMAC, Wellington, New Zealand.
Nicholls, E, Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 2003, ‘The effect of advertised messages on light and heavy users’ brand perceptions’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December. Download
Paech, S, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2003, ‘What Do People Do In Advertisement Breaks?’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December. Download
Romaniuk, J, Sharp, B, Paech, S & Driesener, C 2003, ‘Testing an empirical generalisation: the underlying structure of brand (and ad) awareness scores’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December.
Sharp, A, Sharp, B & Redford, N 2003, ‘Positioning & Partitioning- A replication & extension’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December.
Sharp, B & Allsopp, J 2003, ‘Can big brands expect more of their sales revenue growth to come from loyalty or penetration?’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, 20-23 May.
Mansfield, A, Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 2003, ‘Competition Among International Tourist Destinations: Applying the Duplication of Purchase Law’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December. Download
Mundt, K, Sharp, B & Dawes, J 2003, ‘An investigation of multi-product loyalty in financial services’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December. Download
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 2003, ”Pareto Share’ in Customer Knowledge Based Brand Knowledge’, ANZMAC, Adelaide, 1-3 December.
Dawes, J, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2003, ‘Radio Advertising Effectiveness under High and Low Clutter Formats’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Glasgow, 20-23 May.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 2002, ‘”Attitude” is not necessary: a look at ad likeability without it’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Portugal, 28-31 May.
Riebe, E, Sharp, B & Stern, P 2002, ‘An Empirical Investigation of Customer Defection & Acquisition Rates for Declining and Growing Pharmaceutical Brands’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 2002, ‘The concept of brand salience and implications for measurement’, European Marketing Academy 31st annual conference, Portugal, 28-31 May.
Vieceli, J & Sharp, B 2002, ‘Salience Effects on Recall’, British Academy of Management Conference, London.
Riebe, E, Dawes, J & Sharp, B 2002, ‘Testing the Relationship Between Radio Advertising Clutter and Recall’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December.
Riebe, E, Sharp, B & Stern, P 2002, ‘An Empirical Investigation of Customer Defection & Acquisition Rates for Declining and Growing Pharmaceutical Brands’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December.
Sharp, B & Allsopp, J 2002, ‘Where Does Sales Revenue Growth come from?’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December. Download
Sharp, B, Beal, V & Romaniuk, J 2002, ‘Quantifying an Empirical Generalisation: Usage and Advertising Recall in the International Travel Market’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 2-4 December.
Sharp, B, Riebe, E & Dawes, JG 2001, ‘A marketing economy of scale – big brands lose less of their customer base than small brands’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 1-5 December.
Tolo, M, Riebe, E & Sharp, B 2001, ‘Explaining Retail Brand Performance – Comparing a Model’s Predictions to Informal Prior Knowledge’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 3-5 December.
Eddy, C, Sharp, B, Page, N & Dawes, J 2001, ‘Grounded benchmarks for service quality’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 3-5 December. Download
Sharp, B, Beal, V & Romaniuk, J 2001, ‘First steps towards a marketing empirical generalisation: brand usage and subsequent advertising recall’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 3-5 December. Download
Vieceli, J & Sharp, B 2001, ‘The inhibiting effect of brand salience on recall’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 3-5 December. Download
Sharp, B, Tolo, M & Giannopoulos, A 2001, ‘A differentiated brand should appeal to a special segment of the market…but it doesn’t!’, ANZMAC, Auckland, 3-5 December. Download
Page, N & Sharp, B 2000, ‘Objective Measures of Relationship Quality’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Rotterdam, 23-26 May.
Sharp, B, Riebe, E & Tolo, M 2000, ‘Explaining Retail Brand Performance – An Application of ‘Prior Knowledge”, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 29 November – 1 December. Download
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 2000, ‘Testing the Relationship Between Mention of Competitor Brand and Customer Switching’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Rotterdam, 23-26 May.
Sharp, B & Driesener, C 2000, ‘The Dirichlet’s Buyer Behaviour Assumptions Really Do Matter’, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 28 November – 1 December. Download
Sharp, B & Ehrenberg, A 2000, ‘Managerial Uses of Descriptive Marketing Models – The Case of the Dirichlet’, ANZMAC, Queensland, 28 November – 1 December. Download
Sharp, B, Ehrenberg, A & Barnard, N 2000, ‘Problems with Marketing’s ‘Decision’ Models’, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 28 November – 1 December. Download
Sharp, B, Page, N & Dawes, JG 2000, ‘A New Approach to Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality and Relationship Quality Research’, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 28 November – 1 December. Download
Sharp, B & Riebe, E 2000, ‘Triple Jeopardy for Store Brands – Disconfirming Evidence’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Rotterdam, 23-26 May.
Sharp, B & Wright, M 2000, ‘Do Subscription Markets Show Dirichlet Patterns?’, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 28 November – 1 December.
Wright, M, Sharp, A & Sharp, B 2000, ‘Estimating Dirichlet Market Statistics from Survey Data – A Replication’, ANZMAC, Gold Coast, 28 November – 1 December.
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 1999, ‘The Relationship Between Corporate/Brand Image and Customer Loyalty’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Berlin, 11-14 May.
Sharp, B & Wright, M 1999, ‘There are Two Types of Repeat Purchase Markets’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Berlin, 11-14 May.
Kennedy, R, Sharp, B & Rungie, C 1999, ‘Does Ad Liking (La) Improve Correct Branding?’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Berlin, 11-14 May. Download
Sharp, B & Sharp, A 1999, ‘Objective Measures of Relationship-Purchase Loyalty Patterns: A Replication and Extension’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Berlin, 11-14 May.
Sharp, B, Sharp, A & Wright, M 1999, ‘Questioning the Value of the True Brand Loyalty Distinction’,Cadeaux, J, Dr. (ed), ANZMAC, Sydney, 29 Nov- 1 Dec. Download
Danenberg, N, Sharp, B & Sharp, A 1998, ‘Will they stay or will they go? Improving predictions of brand loyalty’, MRSA National Conference, Melbourne, 14-16 October.
Dawes, J, Faulkner, M & Sharp, B 1998, ‘Business Orientation Scales: Development and Psychometric Assessment’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Stockholm, 20-23 May.
Dawes, J & Sharp, B 1998, ‘The Reliability & Validity of Objective Measures of Customer Service’, ANZMAC, Dunedin, 30 November-2 December.
Kennedy, R, Rungie, C & Sharp, B 1998, ‘Looking at Ad Effectiveness: How Ad Liking (LA) Relates to Correct Branding’, MRSA National Conference, Melbourne, 14-16 October.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 1998, ‘Do People Pay More Attention to Likeable Ads? (A preliminary examination of whether ad likeability works via attitude or attention)’, ANZMAC, Dunedin, 30 November -2 December.
Page, N & Sharp, B 1998, ‘The Defining Elements of Relationship Quality the Story So Far……’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Stockholm, 20-23 May.
Rundle-Thiele, S, Dawes, J & Sharp, B 1998, ‘An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship Between Three Types of Loyalty’, ANZMAC, Dunedin, 30 November-2 December.
Rundle-Thiele, S & Sharp, B 1998, ‘Categorising Switching Costs’, ANZMAC, Dunedin, 30 November-2 December.
Rungie, C, Page, N, Sharp, B & Castles, T 1998, ‘The Quantitative and Empirical Evaluation of Instruments for the Measurement of Relationship Quality and its Elements’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Stockholm, 20-23 May.
Wright, M, Kearns, Z, Sharp, A & Sharp, B 1998, ‘Predicting Repeat-Purchase from a Single Shot Survey’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Stockholm, 20-23 May.
Maio Mackay, M, Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 1997, ‘A Typology of Brand Equity Research’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 1997, ‘A Test of the Intersubjective Certifiability of an Advertising Model’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Coventry, 20-23 May.
Dawes, J, Faulkner, M & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Developing Business Orientation Scales’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Cierpicki, S & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Empirical Generalisations in NPD – Australian Practitioner Beliefs and Marketing Science’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Page, N & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Relationships in Consumer Markets? A Typology of Transaction Types’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Coventry, 20-23 May.
Page, N, Sharp, B & Rungie, C 1997, ‘The Elements of Relationship Quality – A Combined Interpretive, Contemporary Social Science Study’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Coventry, 20-23 May.
Riquier, C & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Brand Image Congruence Across Market Segments’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December. Download
Riquier, C & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Image Measurement and the Problem of Usage Bias’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Coventry, 20-23 May. Download
Romaniuk, J & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Measuring the Accessibility of Brand Association’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Sharp, A, Corkindale, D & Sharp, B 1997, ‘Loyalty Programs – A Debate’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Sharp, B, Rundle-Thiele, S & Dawes, J 1997, ‘Three Conceptualisations of Loyalty’, ANZMAC, Melbourne, 1-3 December.
Sharp, B & Sharp, A 1997, ‘Positioning & Partitioning’, European Marketing Academy Conference, Coventry, 20-23 May.
Danenberg, N & Sharp, B 1996, ‘Measuring Loyalty in Subscription Markets Using Probabilistic Estimates of Switching Behaviour’, Martin, AM & Starr, RG, Jr. (eds), ANZMAC, Auckland.
Dawes, J & Sharp, B 1996, ‘Toward a Business Orientation Typology’,Riquier, C & Sharp, B (eds), Australian Marketing Educators’ Conference, Adelaide, 7-9 February.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 1996, ‘A Comparison of Alternate Measures of the Likeability of Commercials’, Australian Marketing Educators’ Conference, Adelaide, 7-9 February.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 1996, ‘Testing the Intersubjective Certifiability of the Rossiter and Percy Grid of How Advertising Works’, Martin, AM & Starr, RG, Jr. (eds), Australia New Zealand Marketing Educators Conference, Auckland.
Page, N, Sharp, B & Harris, C 1996, ‘Relationship Quality Leads to Loyalty’, Australian Marketing Educators’ Conference, Adelaide, 7-9 February.
Riquier, C, Hockley, N & Sharp, B 1996, ‘Usage Bias in Image Measurement’, Martin, AM & Starr, RG, Jr. (eds), Australia New Zealand Marketing Educators Conference, Auckland.
Sharp, B & Dawes, J 1996, ‘Measuring Differentiation’, Martin, AM & Starr, RG, Jr. (eds), Australia New Zealand Marketing Educators Conference, Auckland, 25-27 November.
Sharp, B & Dawes, J 1996, ‘What is differentiation and How does it work?’,Martin, AM & Starr, RG, Jr. (eds), Australia New Zealand Marketing Educators Conference, Auckland.
Dawes, J & Sharp, B 1995, ‘Generic Marketing Strategies: A Correspondence Analysis of Hooley Et Als’ (1992) Findings’,Grant, K & Walker, I (eds), Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Melbourne, 6-10 July.
Kennedy, R, Riquier, C & Sharp, B 1995, ‘The likeability of commercials with the branding effect removed – The COMMAP MODEL tested’, European Marketing Academy Conference Paris.
Kennedy, R, Riquier, C & Sharp, B 1995, ‘Putting Correspondence Analysis to Use with Categorical Data in Market Research’,Grant, K & Walker, I (eds), Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Melbourne, 6-10 July.
Kennedy, R, Riquier, C, Sharp, B & Corkindale, D 1995, ‘Current Theories of How Advertising Works Reviewed’, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Sydney.
Macdonald, E & Sharp, B 1995, ‘Brand Awareness Effects on Decision-Making Time for a Commonly Purchased Product’, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Sydney.
Macdonald, E, Vieceli, J & Sharp, B 1995, ‘Double Jeopardy Effects on Cognitive Processes: Breadth and Depth of Awareness’,Grant, K & Walker, I (eds), Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Melbourne, 6-10 July.
Page, N & Sharp, B 1995, ‘Relationship Quality in Marketing Relationships from an Interpretivist Perspective’, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Sydney.
Vieceli, J & Sharp, B 1995, ‘A Test of the Inhibiting Effect of Heightened Brand Salience on Recall’, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Sydney.
Dawes, J & Sharp, B 1994, ‘A Review of Strategy Typologies’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Kennedy, R & Sharp, B 1994, ‘The Likeability of Commercials’, Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Macdonald, E & Sharp, B 1994, ‘The Importance of Brand Awareness: Marketing Theory Versus Management Perceptions’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Page, N & Sharp, B 1994, ‘Interpretivism: Separating Revolutionary Rhetoric From Substance’, Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide
Riquier, C & Sharp, B 1994, ‘A Multidimensional Scaling Device for the Measurement of Advertising Effectiveness’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Sharp, B 1994, ‘Strategic Orientation and Corporate Success: A Reanalysis’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Sharp, B & Dawes, J 1994, ‘Does Competitive Strategy Demand Differentiation? A Review of the Deficiencies of Porter’s Competitive Strategy Typology’, ANZMAC, Wellington, 7-10 December.
Sharp, B, McDonald, H & Corkindale, D 1994, ‘The Accepted View of the Diffusion of Innovations and Why It Is Inadequate’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Sharp, B, McDonald, H & Corkindale, D 1994, ‘The Utility-Awareness Theory of the Diffusion of Innovations’,Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
Sharp, B & Vieceli, J 1994, ‘Brand Equity in Student Job Choice Decisions – A Conjoint Choice Modelling Experiment’, ANZMAC, Wellington.
Vieceli, J & Sharp, B 1994, ‘External validity in conjoint choice modelling: fast moving consumer goods versus durables’, Sharp, B (ed), Australian Marketing Conference, Adelaide.
B Sharp, J Romaniuk, C Graham (2019), ‘Marketing’s 60/20 Pareto Law‘, Available at SSRN 3498097
A Grasby, A Maria Corsi, J Dawes, C Driesener, B Sharp (2019), Brand Extensions: Does Buying a Brand in One Category Increase Propensity to Buy It in Another? Available at SSRN 3398695
A Gelzinis, R Kennedy, V Beal, N Hartnett, B Sharp (2017), What happens when brands stop advertising, Documenting long-term sales trends
B Sharp, M Nenycz-Thiel, J Martin, Z Anesbury, B McColl (2017), Are Big Brands Dying? University of South Australia, Ehrenber-Bass Institute
B Sharp (2017), Physical Availability, Retailing and Shopping, Oxford University Press
Sharp, B 2014, ‘When Seeing Isn’t Seeing‘, Admap, January.
Sharp, B 2014, ‘Is Facebook better than TV?‘, Admap, February.
Sharp, B 2014, ‘Sales don’t equal effectiveness‘, Admap, March.
Sharp, B 2014, ‘Target new, not loyal customers‘, Admap, April.
Sharp, B 2014, ‘Point of View: The power of branding‘, Admap, June.
Sharp, B 2014, ‘The CMO’s legacy’, Admap, July/August.
B Sharp (2013), Consumer behaviour and business buyer behaviour, Oxford University Press
B Sharp (2013), Meaningful Marketing Metrics, Oxford University Press
B Sharp (2013), Media decisions: reaching buyers with advertising, Oxford University Press
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Point of View: Consumers don’t fit into neat boxes’, Admap, April.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Hook ’em while they’re young’, Admap, May.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Buffeting loyalties with advertising’, Admap, June.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Brand loyalty’s universal truths’, Admap, July-August.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Small Media Are Different’, Admap, September.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Mobile Madness’, Admap, October.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Brand-Washed’, Admap, November.
Sharp, B 2013, ‘Serendipitous Wobble’, Admap, December.
J Dawes, B Sharp, K Mundt (2011), How Common are Brand Extensions in Consumer Goods Markets? A Multi-Country Study, A Multi-Country Study (February 5, 2011)
K Nelson-Field, G Lees, E Riebe, B Sharp (2010), How successful are media differentiation attempts? Marketing Bulletin 21
B Sharp (2009), Detroit’s Real Problem: It’s Customer Acquisition, Not Loyalty, American Marketing Association
B Sharp (2008), WARC Online Exclusive
R Kennedy, C McDonald, B Sharp (2008), Pure single-source data and take-off time for Project Apollo, Admap 491, 32
B Sharp, V Beil (2008), TV Back to the Future, Wharton School, SEI Centre for Advanced Studies in Management
K Nelson-Field, G Lees, E Riebe, B Sharp (2007), A multi-year study of how well radio propositions describe their actual listener base with implications for targeting strategy, University of Otago
B Sharp (2007), There is a Pareto Law-but not as you know it, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia
S Paech, E Riebe, B Sharp (2003), What Do People Do in the Advertisement Breaks? University of South Australia
A Mansfield, J Romaniuk, B Sharp (2003), Competition among international tourist destinations: Applying the duplication of purchase law, University of South Australia
B Sharp (2003), The Only Way To Grow Your Brand, Admap
E Nicholls, J Romaniuk, B Sharp (2003), The effect of advertised messages on light and heavy users’ brand perceptions, University of South Australia
B Sharp (2003), The only way to grow your brand Are big brands’ customers more loyal? Not a lot. Conclusion: get big, ADMAP 38 (4; ISSU 438), 43-43
B Sharp (2003), Can Big Brands Expect More of Their Sales Revenue Growth to Come from Loyalty Or Penetration? University of Strathclyde
K Mundt, B Sharp, J Dawes (2003), An Investigation of Multi-Product Loyalty in Financial Services, University of South Australia
B Sharp, V Beal, J Romaniuk (2002), Quantifying an empirical generalisation: usage and advertising recall in the international travel market, Deakin University and the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy
EL Riebe, J Dawes, B Sharp (2002), Testing the Relationship Between Radio Advertising Clutter and Recall, Deakin University
B Sharp, J Allsopp (2002), Where does sales revenue growth come from? CD
EL Riebe, B Sharp, P Stern (2002), An empirical investigation of customer defection and acquisition rates for declining and growing pharmaceutical brands, CD
J Vieceli, B Sharp, (2002), Salience effects on recall, Deakin University
B Sharp, M Tolo, A Giannopoulos (2001), A Differentiated Brand Should Appeal to a Special Segement of the Market… but it Dosen’t? Massey University
B Sharp, C Driesener (2000), The Dirichlet’s buyer behaviour assumptions really do matter, Griffith University
A Ehrenberg, N Barnard, B Sharp (2000), Problems with Marketing’s” Decision” Models, Griffith University
B Sharp, E Riebe, M Tolo (2000), Explaining Retail Brand Performance-An Application of’Prior Knowledge’, Griffith University
M Wright, A Sharp, B Sharp (2000), Estimating Dirichlet Market Statistics from Survey Data-A Replication, Griffith University
A Ehrenberg, B Sharp (2000), Managerial uses of descriptive marketing models-the case of the Dirichlet, Griffith University
B Sharp, N Page, J Dawes (2000), A new approach to customer satisfaction, service quality and relationship quality research, Griffith University
J Dawes, B Sharp (1998), The Reliability of Objective Measures of Customer Service, Mystery Shopping”,”. Adelaide: Marketing Science Centre
S Rundle-Thiele, J Dawes, B Sharp (1998), An empirical investigation of the relationship between three types of loyalty, Department of Marketing, University of Otago
B Sharp (1997), Positioning & partitioning, University of Warwick
B Sharp (1997), Loyalty Programs-A Debate, Department of Marketing, Monash University
C Riquier, B Sharp (1997), Image measurement and the problem of usage bias, University of Warwick
B Sharp, S Rundle-Thiele, J Dawes (1997), Three conceptualisations of loyalty, Department of Marketing, Monash University
B Sharp, A Sharp (1996), Special Session Summary Consumer Loyalty, ACR Asia-Pacific Advances
B Sharp, A Sharp (1996), Loyalty Programs and their Impact on Behavioural Loyalty Patterns, Adelaide, Australia: University of South Australia, MSC Technical Report
J Vieceli, E Macdonald, B Sharp (1995), Double jeopardy effects on cognitive processes: depth and breadth of awareness, Monash University
J Vieceli, B Sharp (1995), A test of the inhibiting effect of heightened brand salience on recall, Unviersity of New South Wales
J Vieceli, E Macdonald, B Sharp (1994), Double jeopardy theory in relation to brand awareness and brand salience, University of Waikato