Professor John Dawes
Associate Director (Operations)
Professor John Dawes is Associate Director (Operations) at the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute at the University of South Australia.
John has over 25 years of marketing research experience. His areas of expertise are brand metrics and the effects of price promotions, as well as understanding survey-based metrics such as customer satisfaction and willingness to recommend.
John’s research has been published in many top marketing journals including the Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Retailing. John’s findings have also been published in the Wall Street Journal.
Academic Publications
Cigarette brand loyalty and purchase patterns: an examination using US consumer panel data. Journal of Business Research, 67, 9, 2014.
Generalizations regarding the growth and decline of manufacturer and store brands. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 5, 2014. With Jenni Romaniuk and Magda Nenycz-Thiel.
Reasons for Variation in SCR for Private Label Brands. European Journal of Marketing vol 47, 11, 2013.
Analyzing the Intensity of Private Label Competition across Retailers” Journal of Business Research. 66, 1, January 2013. With Magda Nenycz-Thiel.
“It’s a Dirichlet World – Modeling Individual’s Loyalties Reveals How Brands Compete, Grow and Decline. Journal of Advertising Research, June 2012. With Byron Sharp, Malcolm Wright, Carl Driesener, Lars Meyer-Waarden, Lara Stocchi, Philip Stern
Brand-Pack Size Cannibalization Arising from Temporary Price Promotions” Journal of Retailing, 88, 3, September 2012
The persistence of Excess Loyalty across Multiple Years”. Marketing Letters, 21, 1, 2012. With Vipul Pare
“Competition for memory retrieval between private label and national brands”. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 63, 11, November 2010. With Magda Nenyzc-Thiel, Jenni Romaniuk and Byron Sharp
The Effect of Service Price Increases on Customer Retention: The Moderating Role of Customer Tenure and Relationship Breadth. Journal of Service Research, 2009.
A report for Government:
Pricing Practices: their Effects on Consumer Behaviour and Welfare” Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading, UK. 2010. In conjunction with Gorkan Ahmetoglou, Simon Fried, and Adrian Furnham.
GT Trinh, J Dawes, B Sharp (2023), Where is the brand growth potential? An examination of buyer groups, Marketing Letters, 1-12
JG Dawes (2023), Patterns of buyer behavior and brand metrics in a “high loyalty” category: Liquor, Journal of Consumer Behaviour
JG Dawes (2022), Net Promoter and Revenue Growth: An Examination Across Three Industries, Australasian Marketing Journal, 14413582221132039
JG Dawes (2022), How can each brand’s buyer base buy the category at above the average rate?International Journal of Market Research 64 (6), 703-709
J Dawes (2022), Factors that influence manufacturer and store brand behavioral loyalty, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 68, 103020
J Dawes, C Graham, G Trinh, B Sharp (2022), The unbearable lightness of buying, Journal of Marketing Management 38 (7-8), 683-708
A Grasby, A Corsi, J Dawes, C Driesener, B Sharp (2022), Extended conditional trend analysis: Predicting triple period buyer flows with a tri‐variate NBD model, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 92-101
K Victory, M Nenycz-Thiel, J Dawes, A Tanusondjaja, AM Corsi (2021), How common is new product failure and when does it vary? Marketing Letters 32, 17-32
JG Dawes, C Graham, G Trinh (2021), The long-term erosion of repeat-purchase loyalty, European Journal of Marketing 55 (3), 763-789
S Dunn, J Dawes, S Bogomolova (2020), The effects of competitive context on consumer response to price changes, Journal of Marketing Management 36 (7-8), 608-632
J Dawes (2020), The natural monopoly effect in brand purchasing: Do big brands really appeal to lighter category buyers? Australasian marketing journal 28 (2), 90-99
J Dawes, L Stocchi, F Dall’Olmo-Riley (2020), Over-time variation in individual’s customer satisfaction scores, International Journal of Market Research 62 (3), 262-271
J Martin, M Nenycz-Thiel, J Dawes, A Tanusondjaja, J Cohen, B McColl, (2020), Fundamental basket size patterns and their relation to retailer performance, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 54, 102032
G Trinh, J Dawes (2020), A comparison of brand loyalty between on the go and take-home consumption purchases, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53, 101968
J Dawes, R Kennedy, K Green, B Sharp (2018), Forecasting advertising and media effects on sales: Econometrics and alternatives, International Journal of Market Research 60 (6), 611-620
J Romaniuk, J Dawes, M Nenycz-Thiel (2018), Modeling brand market share change in emerging markets, International Marketing Review 35 (5), 785-805
JG Dawes (2018), Price promotions: examining the buyer mix and subsequent changes in purchase loyalty, Journal of Consumer Marketing 35 (4), 366-376
A Tanusondjaja, M Nenycz-Thiel, J Dawes, R Kennedy (2018), Portfolios: Patterns in brand penetration, market share, and hero product variants, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 41, 211-217
J Dawes, A Bond, N Hartnett, B Sharp (2017), Does double jeopardy apply using average spend per buyer as the loyalty metric? Australasian Marketing Journal 25 (4), 261-268
J Scriven, M Clemente, J Dawes, G Trinh, B Sharp (2017), Buying brands at both regular price and on promotion over time, Australasian marketing journal 25 (4), 252-260
A Huang, J Dawes, L Lockshin, L Greenacre (2017), Consumer response to price changes in higher-priced brands, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 39, 1-10
JG Dawes (2016), Brand growth in packaged goods markets: Ten cases with common patterns, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (5), 475-489
B Jardine, J Romaniuk, JG Dawes, V Beal (2016), Retaining the primetime television audience, European Journal of Marketing 50 (7/8), 1290-1307
JG Dawes (2016), Testing the robustness of brand partitions identified from purchase duplication analysis, Journal of Marketing Management 32 (7-8), 695-715
Z Anesbury, M Nenycz‐Thiel, J Dawes, R Kennedy (2016), How do shoppers behave online? An observational study of online grocery shopping, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (3), 261-270
J Dawes, L Meyer-Waarden, C Driesener (2015), Has brand loyalty declined? A longitudinal analysis of repeat purchase behavior in the UK and the USA, Journal of Business Research 68 (2), 425-432
J Dawes (2014), Cigarette brand loyalty and purchase patterns: an examination using US consumer panel data, Journal of Business Research 67 (9), 1933-1943
J Romaniuk, J Dawes, M Nenycz-Thiel (2014), Generalizations regarding the growth and decline of manufacturer and store brands, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 21 (5), 725-734
G Trinh, C Rungie, M Wright, C Driesener, J Dawes (2014), Predicting future purchases with the Poisson log-normal model, Marketing Letters 25, 219-234
J G. Dawes (2014), Patterns in competitive structure among retail financial services brands, European Journal of Marketing 48 (5/6), 924-942
J Dawes, M Nenycz-Thiel (2014), Comparing retailer purchase patterns and brand metrics for in-store and online grocery purchasing, Journal of Marketing Management 30 (3-4), 364-382
J Dawes (2013), Reasons for variation in SCR for private label brands, European Journal of Marketing 47 (11/12), 1804-1824
JG Dawes (2012), Brand-pack size cannibalization arising from temporary price promotions, Journal of Retailing 88 (3), 343-355
B Sharp, M Wright, J Dawes, C Driesener, L Meyer-Waarden, L Stocchi (2012), It’s a Dirichlet world: Modeling individuals’ loyalties reveals how brands compete, grow, and decline, Journal of Advertising Research 52 (2), 203-213
V Pare, J Dawes (2012), The persistence of excess brand loyalty over multiple years, Marketing Letters 23, 163-175
J Dawes (2012), published in Journal of Retailing Vol 88, 3, 2012. Journal of Retailing 88, 3
J Dawes (2011), The Eeffect of Service Price Increases on Customer Retention: The Moderating Role of Customer Tenure and Relationship Breadth (vol 11, pg 232, 2009), JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH 14 (4), 489-489
M Nenycz-Thiel, B Sharp, J Dawes, J Romaniuk (2010), Competition for memory retrieval between private label and national brands, Journal of Business research 63 (11), 1142-1147
J Dawes, K Mundt, B Sharp (2009), Consideration sets for financial services brands, Journal of Financial Services Marketing 14, 190-202
J Dawes (2009), To Grow Your Brand, You Need More Customers. The Key is How Many You Have, Not How Much They Buy. Marketing Research (USA) summer
G Trinh, J Dawes, L Lockshin (2009), Do product variants appeal to different segments of buyers within a category? Journal of Product & Brand Management 18 (2), 95-105
J Dawes (2009), Brand loyalty in the UK sportswear market, International Journal of Market Research 51 (4)
J Dawes (2009), Price Increases and Their Effect on Customer Retention in a Services Context: The Moderating Role of Customer Tenure and Relationship Breadth, Journal of Service Research 11 (3), 232-245
J Dawes (2009), The effect of service price increases on customer retention: The moderating role of customer tenure and relationship breadth, Journal of service research 11 (3), 232-245
J Dawes (2008), Do data characteristics change according to the number of scale points used? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales, International journal of market research 50 (1), 61-104
J Dawes (2008), Regularities in buyer behaviour and brand performance: The case of Australian beer, Journal of Brand Management 15, 198-208
V Pare, J Dawes, C Driesener (2006), Double jeopardy deviations for small and medium share brands-how frequent and how persistent? Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy
K Mundt, J Dawes, B Sharp (2006), Can a brand outperform competitors on cross‐category loyalty? An examination of cross‐selling metrics in two financial services markets, Journal of Consumer Marketing 23 (7), 465-469
J Dawes (2006), Interpretation of brand penetration figures that are reported by sub-groups, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 14, 173-183
E Riebe, J Dawes (2006), Recall of radio advertising in low and high advertising clutter formats, International Journal of Advertising 25 (1), 71-86
J Romaniuk, J Dawes (2005), Loyalty to price tiers in purchases of bottled wine, Journal of Product & Brand Management 14 (1), 57-64
J Dawes (2004), Assessing the impact of a very successful price promotion on brand, category and competitor sales, Journal of product & brand management 13 (5), 303-314
J Dawes (2004), Price changes and defection levels in a subscription‐type market: can an estimation model really predict defection levels?, Journal of Services Marketing 18 (1), 35-44
J Dawes (2002), Further evidence on the predictive accuracy of the verbal probability scale: The case of household bill payments in Australia, Journal of Financial Services Marketing 6 (3), 281-289
J Dawes, E Riebe, A Giannopoulos (2002), The impact of different scale anchors on responses to the verbal probability scale, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research 20 (1), 77-80
J Dawes (2002), Five point vs. eleven point scales: Does it make a difference to data characteristics, Australasian Journal of Market Research 10 (1)
M Lowndes, J Dawes (2001), Do distinct SERVQUAL dimensions emerge from mystery shopping data? A test of convergent validity, Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 16 (2), 41-53
B Sharp, J Dawes (2001), What is differentiation and how does it work?, Journal of Marketing Management 17 (7-8), 739-759
J Dawes (2001), The impact of mentioning a scale mid-point in administering a customer satisfaction questionnaire via telephone, Market Research Society of Australia
J Dawes (2000), Market orientation and company profitability: further evidence incorporating longitudinal data, Australian journal of management 25 (2), 173-199
J Dawes, B Sharp, NT Adelaide (2000), The reliability and validity of objective measures of customer service: Mystery shopping, Australian Journal of Market Research 8 (1), 29-46
JG Dawes (1998), Case study: Doing a market assessment for an unfamiliar product, Journal of Marketing Practice: Applied Marketing Science 4 (8), 221-230
P Cuthbert, J Dawes (1997), Never mind the service quality, let’s get the product right: Self-build mortgage provision in the middle 1990s, JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING 1, 336-346
J Dawes, B Sharp (1996), Independent empirical support for Porter’s generic marketing strategies? A re-analysis using correspondence analysis, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science 1 (2)
M Nenycz-Thiel, C Graham, J Dawes, B McColl, A Tanusondjaja, J Martin, …(2018), How markets grow. The factors associated with category expansion, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC 2018)
M Nenycz-Thiel, B McColl, J Dawes, G Trinh, C Graham (2018), Predicting category growth from quarterly penetration, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC 2018)
S Dunn, S Bogomolova, J Dawes (2013), An investigation into the effect of competitive context on brand price elasticities, International Choice Modelling Conference 2013
J Dawes (2009), A coherent pattern in consumer purchase across price tiers: Australian wine, ANZMAC
J Dawes (2009), Brand-pack Size Cannibalization Arising from Temporary Price Promotions-an Examination in Two FMCG Markets, ANZMAC
V Pare, J Dawes (2008), Do all private label brands exhibit excess loyalty?, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008
V Pare, J Dawes, C Driesener (2006), Double jeopardy deviations for small and medium share brands-how frequent and how persistent?, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy
J Dawes, B Sharp (1998), The Reliability & Validity Of Objective Measures Of Customer Service, ANZMAC, Conference Proceeding, 560-561
J Dawes, M Faulkner, B Sharp (1998), Business orientation scales: development and psychometric assessment, 27th EMAC Conference 5, 461-478
J Dawes (2021), Marketing planning & strategy: a practical introduction, Sage
S Dunn, M Nenycz-Thiel, C Graham, J Dawes, A Tanusondjaja (2023), Investigating Patterns of Category Growth and Decline, Available at SSRN 4291485
J Dawes, D Corkindale, A Bonfrer (2022), Cigarette Purchase Patterns Among Light and Heavy Smokers, Available at SSRN 4076574
K Victory, A Tanusondjaja, J Dawes, J Romaniuk, M Nenycz-Thiel (2021), How Do New Products Perform? An Investigation, An Investigation (May 5, 2021)
J Dawes (2021), The Overcooked Concept of Competitive Advantage, Available at SSRN 3547746
J Dawes (2020), Do Customer Satisfaction scores link to business revenue over time?, Available at SSRN 3657826
J Dawes (2020), Australasian Marketing Journal
C Graham, M Nenycz-Thiel, J Dawes, B McColl (2019), Premiumisation strategy as a way to grow, Admap Magazine
A Grasby, A Maria Corsi, J Dawes, C Driesener, B Sharp (2019), Brand Extensions: Does Buying a Brand in One Category Increase Propensity to Buy It in Another?, Available at SSRN 3398695
F Dall’olmo Riley, J Dawes, L Stocchi (2019), Overtime fluctuations of brand satisfaction scores
J Dawes, L Stocchi, F Dall’Olmo Riley (2019), Art or science? Making sense of over-time fluctuations of brand satisfaction scores
J Dawes (2018), Practical prevention of Plagiarism for University faculty & management–14 tactics, Available at SSRN 3209034
J Dawes (2018), The Ansoff matrix: A legendary tool, but with two logical problems, But with Two Logical Problems (February 27, 2018)
J Dawes (2017), Investigating the Natural Monopoly effect in Brand Purchasing: do big brands really appeal more to lighter category buyers?, Available at SSRN 3063828
J Dawes (2017), Using Duplication of Purchase Analysis to Reveal Brand Sub-Markets: The Case of OTC Pain Relief Tablets, Available at SSRN 3044190
J Dawes (2017), Three Discussion Points on the Route to Brand Growth: Acquiring More Buyers vs. Higher Loyalty, Brand Positioning, and Building Brand Equity, Higher Loyalty, Brand Positioning, and Building Brand Equity
J Dawes, G Trinh (2017), Category and brand purchase rates (still) follow the NBD distribution, Available at SSRN 3042332
JG Dawes (2016), Brand growth in packaged goods markets: Ten cases with common patterns, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 15 (5), 475-489
M Nenycz-Thiel, J Romaniuk, J Dawes (2016), Is being private better or worse online? Private labels performance in online grocery channel, Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing: Third International
J Dawes (2015), Customers: What You Need to Know, and How You Find It, Available at SSRN 2592288
L Meyer-Waarden, J Dawes, C Driesner (2015), The longitudinal évolution of repeat purchase behavior in the US and UK, HAL Post-Print
J Dawes (2014), ‘Brand Love’–Another Misleading and Distracting Idea that Professional Marketers Should Avoid, Available at SSRN 2425044
J Dawes (2014), Marketing Gurus and Fads-Why and How to Avoid Them, Available at SSRN 2411339
J Dawes (2013), Variation in Service Quality scores-some general patterns, Available at SSRN 2296233
J Dawes (2013), How to Save Your Company Tens of Millions: Avoid Illegal Pricing Practices, Available at SSRN 2281580
J Dawes (2013), Price-related promotions are mostly bought by existing brand buyers, Available at SSRN 2199169
J Dawes (2012), Competing Brands Do Not Have Different’Personality’Profiles, Available at SSRN 2018040
J Dawes, L Meyer-Waarden, C Driesener (2011), The evolution of Repeat Purchase Behavior, HAL Post-Print
J Dawes, B Sharp, K Mundt (2011), How Common are Brand Extensions in Consumer Goods Markets? A Multi-Country Study, A Multi-Country Study (February 5, 2011)
J Dawes (2011), Predictable patterns in buyer behaviour and brand metrics: implications for brand managers, Tilde Uni Press
G Ahmetoglu, S Fried, J Dawes, A Furnham (2010), Pricing practices: their effects on consumer behaviour and welfare, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by Mountain Learning
J Dawes (2009), To Grow Your Brand, You Need More Customers. The Key is How Many You Have, Not How Much They Buy., Marketing Research (USA) summer
J Dawes (2009), You Need more Customers, marketing research (USA)
V Pare, J Dawes (2007), Deviations from double jeopardy: how many private label and high share brands exhibit excess loyalty?, University of Otago
RS Huang, J Dawes (2007), Price Promotions: How much volume is discounted that you would sell anyway at the normal price, Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science
J Dawes (2007), The Structure of Switching: An examination of market structure across brands and brand variants, University of Otago
J Dawes (2003), Negative evidence of asymmetric brand substitution between manufacturer brands and lower priced store brands, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy & University of South Australia
K Mundt, B Sharp, J Dawes (2003), An Investigation of Multi-Product Loyalty in Financial Services, University of South Australia
B Sharp, E Riebe, J Dawes, N Danenberg (2002), A marketing economy of scale-big brands lose less of their customer base than small brands, Massey University
J Dawes (2002), Survey Responses Using Scale Categories Follow a” Double Jeopardy” Pattern, Deakin University
EL Riebe, J Dawes, B Sharp (2002), Testing the Relationship Between Radio Advertising Clutter and Recall, Deakin University
J Dawes (2002), Assessing the Impact of a Big Price Promotion on Brand, Category and Competitor Sales, Deakin University
J Dawes (2001), Comparing data gathered using five point vs eleven point scales, Massey
B Sharp, N Page, J Dawes (2000), A new approach to customer satisfaction, service quality and relationship quality research, Griffith University
J Dawes (2000), Further Evidence on the Predictive Accuracy of the Verbal Probability Scale-The Case of Household Bill Payments, Griffith University
J Dawes (1999), The relationship between subjective and objective company performance measures in market orientation research: further empirical evidence, Marketing bulletin-department of marketing massey university 10, 65-75
JG Dawes (1999), Market orientation vs. other business approaches, and their comparative associations with company performance
J Dawes (1998), Market orientation vs other business approaches, and their relationship with profitability, Department of Marketing, University of Otago
S Rundle-Thiele, J Dawes, B Sharp (1998), An empirical investigation of the relationship between three types of loyalty, Department of Marketing, University of Otago
J Dawes, N Page (1998), “Drivers” Of Service Quality: The Effects Of Level And Variance, Marketing Science Centre
B Sharp, S Rundle-Thiele, J Dawes (1997), Three conceptualisations of loyalty, Department of Marketing, Monash University
JG Dawes (1996), Business Orientations and the Economic Performance of Firms, University of South Australia