Professor Philip Stern
Senior Marketing Scientist/Adjunct
Professor Philip Stern has been associated with the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute since its inception and now works at the Institute. He has held academic posts at the Universities of Warwick, Bangor and Loughborough in the UK and is now Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Exeter University, where he held his last full-time position. He has managed and contributed to numerous executive courses for companies including Unilever, TNT, Barclay’s, Diageo, Carlsberg, HSBC, and Severn-Trent.
Phil’s expertise and research has been sought by companies including Bristol Myers Squibb, GfK, Glaxo Smith Kline, Novartis, Lilly Industries, Napp Pharmaceuticals, Organon, Procter and Gamble, IMS, Premier Farnell, Atkins and the National Audit Office. Before becoming an academic, Philip worked in new product development for Unilever and spent time in Nigeria running a cosmetic factory. He also worked for Avon in European category management.
Academic Publications
P Mecredy, M Wright, P Feetham, P Stern (2023), Remembering less, or needing less? Age-related differences in the purchase funnel, Marketing Letters, 1-16
M Faulkner, J Romaniuk, P Stern (2023), How sharing of supporters reveals competition amongst non-profit brands, Journal of Marketing Management 39 (3-4), 193-212
U Shrivastava, D Zantedeschi, W Jank, P Stern (2023), The impact of increasing internet penetration on prescription choices and response to pharmaceutical detailing: a 10‐year empirical investigation, R&D Management
P Mecredy, M Wright, P Feetham, P Stern (2022), Re-examining age-related loyalty for low-involvement purchasing, European Journal of Marketing 56 (7), 1773-1798
PJ Mecredy, MJ Wright, PM Feetham, P Stern (2022), Empirical generalisations in customer mindset metrics, Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (1), 102-120
Stern, P., Keeling, D., Rigby, M., De Ruyter, K. and Bove, L., (2019), ‘Marketing as an Integrator in Integrated Care’, European Journal of Marketing
Stern, P., D, Sitta, D. and Faulkner, M., (2018), ‘What can the Brand Manager Expect from Facebook?’, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol 26, No 1, 17-22
Stern, P., Faulkner, M. and Romaniuk, J., (2016), ‘New versus frequent donors: Exploring the behaviour of the most desirable donors’, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol 24,3, 198-204
Stern, P., Nikolopoulos, K., Buxton, S., and Khamash, M., (2016), ‘Forecasting Branded and Generic Pharmaceuticals’, International Journal of Forecasting, 32, 344–357
Stern, P., Wright, M., (2016), ‘The adoption of new prescription drugs is strongly associated with prior category prescribing rate‘ International Journal of Research in Marketing
Stern, P., Wright, M., (2015), ‘Forecasting New Product Trial with Analogous Series’, Journal of Business Research, 68, 1732–1738
M Wright, P Stern, C Graham (2020), Who set the ball rolling? The first prescribers of OxyContin, European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) 2020
M Wright, P Stern, C Graham (2019), The Hazard of Oxycontin, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC 2019)