Professor Frank Bass

Frank Bass

Professor Frank Bass pioneered the establishment of marketing as a science in which well-tested mathematical models could be used to predict the behaviour of future markets.

His most renowned contribution to the field was the development of the Bass diffusion model, a mathematical model that describes the adoption of new products.


Frank Bass Wikipedia

Frank Bass Publications

The BassModel: A Commentary,” Frank M. Bass, Management Science, 50, 12 Supplement, 2004, 1833-1840.

“A New Product Growth for Model Consumer Durables,” Frank M. Bass, Management Science, 50, 12, 2004, 1825-1832 (reprinted from January 1969).

Generic and Brand Advertising Strategies in a Dynamic Duopoly,” Frank M. Bass, Anand KrishnamoorthyAshutosh Prasad and Suresh P. Sethi.  Accepted for publication in Marketing Science.

Advertising Competition with Market Expansion for Finite Horizon Firms,” Frank M. Bass, Anand KrishnamoorthyAshutosh Prasad and Suresh P. SethiJournal of Industrial and Management Optimization1, 1 February 2005, 1-19.

Virtual BassModel and the Left-Hand Data-Truncation Bias,” Zhengrui Jiang, Frank M. Bassand Portia IsaacsonBass, 2004. Forthcoming International Journal of Research in Marketing,2005.

The Shape of the Advertising Response Functions Revisited: A Model of Dynamic Probabilistic Thresholds,” Demetrios Vakratsas, Fred M. Feinberg, Frank M. Bass and Gurumurthy KalyanaramMarketing Science, 23, 1, 2004, 109-119.

Optimal Pricing in a Hazard Rate Model of Demand,” Suresh P. Sethi and Frank M. Bass, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 24 (4), 2003, 183-196.

“A Study of ‘Spurious Regression’ and Model Discrimination in the Generalized Bass Model,” Frank M. BassandShuba Srinivasan, in Advances in Econometrics, (Frances, P.H., and A.L. Montgomery, eds.) 16, 2002, Elsevier Science, 293-313.

The Relationship Between Purchase Regularity and Propensity to Accelerate,” Demetrios Vakratsas and Frank M. Bass, Journal of Retailing, 78 (2), 2002, 119-129.

A General Test of Reference Price Theory in the Presence of Threshold Effects,” Kalyan Raman and Frank M. Bass, Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 47, 2002, 205-226.

DIRECTV: Forecasting Diffusion of a New Technology Prior to Product Launch,” Frank M. Bass, Kent Gordon, Teresa L. Ferguson and Mary Lou GithensINTERFACES, 2001, Vol. 31, No. 3, Part 2 of 2, S82-S93.

Some History of the TIMS/INFORMS College on Marketing as Related to the Development of Marketing Science,” Frank M. Bass, Marketing Science, 2001, Vol. 20, No. 4, 360-363.

“Modeling the Marketing Mix Influence in New Product Diffusion,” Frank M. Bass, Dipak C. Jain and Trichy V. Krishnan, in New Product Diffusion Models, (Mahajan, Vijay, Eitan Muller, and Yoram Wind, eds.) 2001, Kluwer.

A Segment-Level Hazard Approach to Studying Household Purchase Decisions,” Demetrios Vakratsas and Frank M. Bass, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2002, Vol. 17, No. 1, 49-59.

Cointegration Analysis of Brand Sales and Category Sales: Stationarity and Long-Run Equilibrium in Market Shares,” Shuba Srinivasan and Frank M. Bass, 2000, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 16, 159-177.

Optimal Pricing Strategy for New Products,” Trichy V. Krishnan, Frank M. Bassand Dipak C. JainManagement Science, 1999, Vol. 45, No. 12, 1650-1663.

Impact of a Late Entrant on the Diffusion of a New Product/Service,” Trichy V. Krishnan, Frank M. Bass, and V. Kumar, Journal of Marketing Research, 2000, VolXXXVII, May, 269-278.

Market Share Response and Competitive Interaction: The Impact of Temporary, Evolving and Structural Changes in Prices,” Shuba Srinivasan, Peter T.LPopkowski Leszcyc and Frank M. Bass, International Journal of Research in Marketing,2000, Vol. 17, 281-305.

Determining the Effect of Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity on Consumer Brand Choice,” Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszcyc and Frank M. Bass, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 1998, Vol. 14, No. 2, 95-115.

Relative Income and Investment Comparisons among OECD Nations,” Gerald W. Scully and Frank M. Bass, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 1998,59, 3, 167-182.

“The Normative Impact of Trade Promotion on Forward Buying and Retail Promotion,” 1999, Frank M. Bass, Marcia K. Armstrong, Ram C. Rao and Tarun Dewan, Working Paper.

Empirical Generalizations & Marketing Science: A Personal View“, Frank M. Bass, Marketing Science, Special issue on Empirical Generalizations in Marketing,, 1995, Vol. 14, Number 3 Part 2 of 2, G6-G19.

Introduction to the Special issue: Empirical Generalizations in Marketing“, Frank M. Bassand Jerry Wind, Marketing Science, Special issue on Empirical Generalizations in Marketing,, 1995, Vol. 14, Number 3, Part 2, of 2. G1-G5.

Diffusion of New Products: Empirical Generalizations and Managerial Uses,” Vijay MahajanEitan Muller and Frank M. Bass, Marketing Science, Special issue on Empirical Generalizations in Marketing,, 1995, Vol. 14, Number 3 Part 2 of 2, G79-G88.

Why the Bass Model Fits Without Decision Variables,” Frank M. Bass, Trichy V. Krishnan and Dipak C. JainMarketing Science, 1994, Vol. 13, Number 3, Summer, 203-224.

A Model of Stochastic Variety Seeking,” Minakshi Trevedi, Frank M. Bassand Ram C. RaoMarketing Science, 1994, Vol. 13, Number 3, Summer, 274-297.

“Operations Research and Management Science in Advertising,” Frank M. Bassand Gurumurthy Kalyanaram,  Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 1993.

The Future of Research in Marketing: Marketing Science,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing ResearchVol. XXX (February 1993), 1-6.

Optimal Pricing of Successive Generations of Product Advances,” V. Padmanabhan and Frank M. Bass, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 10 (1993), 185-207.

“The Law of Capture: Substantive Findings Concerning a Model of Diffusion and Technological Substitution,” John Norton and Frank M. Bass, Sloan Management ReviewVol 33, No. 2, Winter 1992, 66-77.

When to Lead or Follow?  It Depends,” Mark Parry and Frank M. Bass, Marketing LettersVol 1, No. 3 (1990), November, 187-198.

Estimation of Latent Class Models With Heterogeneous Choice Probabilities: An Application to Market Structuring,” Dipak Jain, Frank M. Bassand Yu-Min Chen, Journal of Marketing ResearchXXVII, (1990), February, 94-101.

New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: A Review and Directions for Research,” Vijay MahajanEitan Muller and Frank M. Bass, Journal of MarketingVol. 54, No. 1 (1990), January, 1-26.

Effect of Choice Set Size on Choice Probabilities: An Extended Logit Model,” Dipak C. Jain and Frank M. Bass, International Journal of Research in MarketingVol. 6, No. 1, September 1989, 1-11.

“The Law of Capture, A Study of Generations of Technology, A Report for the National Science Foundation,” Frank M. Bassand John A. Norton, September 1989.

Adjusting Stated Intention Measures to Predict Trial Purchase of New Products: A Comparison of New Products: A Comparison of Models and Methods,” Linda F. Jamieson and Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing ResearchXXVI, August 1989, 336-345.

“A Diffusion Theory Model of Adoption and Substitution for Successive Generations of High-Technology Products,” John A. Norton and Frank M. Bass, reprinted in New-Product Development and Testing, Walter Henry, Michael MenascoHirokazu Takada (eds.), Lexington Books, 1989.

Misspecification and the Inherent Randomness of the Model are at the Heart of the Brodie and de KluyverEnigma,” Frank M. Bass, International Journal of Forecasting3 (1987), 441-444.

A Diffusion Theory Model of Adoption and Substitution for Successive Generations of High-Technology Products,” John A. Norton and Frank M. Bass, Management ScienceVol. 33, No. 9, September 1987, 1069-1086.

“Marketing Science and Organizational Behavior,” Frank M. Bass, in Proceedings from the 12th Paul D. Converse Symposium,Devanathurs Subharshan and Frederick W. Winter, eds., American Marketing Association, 1987.

Estimating Micro Relationships from Macro Data: A Comparative Study of Two Approximations of the Brand Loyal Model Under Temporal Aggregation,” Frank M. Bassand Robert P. Leone, Journal of Marketing Research, 23, (August 1986), 291-297.

Competition, Strategy, and Price Dynamics: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation,” Ram C. Rao and Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing Research, 22, (August 1985), 283-296.

“The Adoption of  A Marketing Model: Comments and Observations,” Frank M. Bass, in V. Mahajan and J. Wind (eds), Innovation and diffusion Models of New Product Acceptance, 27-33, Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1986.

An Investigation into the Order of the Brand Choice Process,” Frank M. Bass, Moshe M. GivonManohar U. Kalwani, David Reibstein and Gordon P. Wright, Marketing ScienceVol. 3, No. 4, Fall 1984, 267-287.

“A Discussion of “Some Possible Future: Scope, Science and Scholarship in Marketing” Frank M. Bass, at the Harvard Business School 75th Anniversary Colloquium: Marketing and the New Information/Communications Technologies.

Temporal Aggregation, The Data Interval Bias, and Empirical Estimation of Bimonthly Relations from Annual Data,” Frank M. Bassand Robert P. Leone, Management Science, January, 1983, 1-11.

A Note on Optimal Strategic Pricing of Technological Innovations,” Frank M. Bass and Alain Bultez Marketing Science, 1983, Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1982, 371-378.

On a Parsimonious Description of the Hendry System” Joel R. RubinsonWilfried R. Vanhonacker and Frank M. Bass, Management Science, February, 1980, 215-226.

A Stochastic Brand Choice Framework for Econometric Modeling of Time Series Market Share Behavior,” Frank M. Bassand Thomas L. PilonJournal of Marketing Research, November, 1980, 486-497.

The Relationship Between Diffusion Rates, Experience Curves, and Demand Elasticities for Consumer Durable Technological Innovations,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Business, July, 1980, S51-S67.

Multibrand Stochastic Model Compounding Heterogeneous Erlang Timing and Multinomial Choice Processes,” Abel Jeuland, Frank M. Bassand Gordon P. Wright, Operations Research, March-April, 1980, 255-277.

Some Case Histories of Econometric Studies in Marketing: What Really Happened,” Frank M. Bass, INTERFACES, February, 1980, 86-90.

Reflections on Stochastic Preference Theory: Some Unresolved Questions,” Frank M. Bass,Journal of MarketingResearchVol. 17, No. 3, 1980. 383-384.

“Advertising Spending Levels and Promotion Policies: Profit Potential for the Application of Management Science,” Frank M. Bass, Albert Wesley Frey Lecture,Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, 1979.

“Analytical Approaches in the Study of Consumer Purchase Behavior and Brand Choice, A Synthesis of Selected Aspects of Consumer Behavior,” Frank M. Bass, National Science Foundation, 1978.

Firm Effects and Industry Effects in the Analysis of Market Structure and Profitability,” Frank M. Bass, PhillipeCattin and Dick Wittink Journal of Marketing Research, February, 1978, 3-10.

Pooling Issues and Methods in Regression Analysis: Some further Reflections,” Frank M. Bass and Dick Wittink,Journal of Marketing Research,Vol. 15, No. 2, 1978, 277-79.

Equilibrium Stochastic Choice and Market Penetration Theories: Derivation and Comparisons,” Frank M. Bass, Abel P. Jeuland and Gordon P Wright, Management Science, June 1976, 1051-1063.

Pooling Issues and Methods in Regression Analysis with Examples in Marketing Research,” Frank M. Bass, Dick WittinkJournal of Marketing Research, November 1975, 414-425.

The Theory of Stochastic Preference and Brand Switching,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing Research, February, 1974, 1-20.  (Winner of William O’Dell Award for Best Article in JMRfor 1974).

“Profit and A/S Ratio,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Advertising ResearchVol. 14, No. 6, 1974, 9-19.

A Comparative Analysis of Attitudinal Predictions of Brand Preference,” Frank M. Bass and William L. Wilkie,Journal of MarketingResearch, August 1973, 262-269.

“An Experimental Study of RelationshipsBetween Attitudes Brand Preference, and Choice,” Frank M. Bass, Donald R. Lehmann and Edgar A. Pessemier Behavioral Science, November 1972, 532-541.

Testing Distributed Lag Models of Advertising Effect,” Frank M. Bassand Darral G. Clarke Journal of Marketing Research, August, 1972, 298-308.

An Attitude Model for the Study of Brand Preference,” Frank M. Bassand Wayne Talaryck Journal of Marketing Research, February 1972, 93-96.

“A Multivariate Regression Analysis of the Responses of Competing Brands of Advertising,” Frank M. Bass, Marketing Science Institute Report, 1971.

Decomposable Regression Models in the Analysis of Sales Potential,” Frank M. Bass, Management Science, April 1971, B485-B494.

Optimal Advertising Expenditures Implications of a Simultaneous Equation Regression Analysis,” L. J. Parsons and Frank M. Bass, Operations Research, March-April, 1971, 822-831.

“Testing vs. Estimation in Simultaneous Equation Regression Models,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing Research, August 1971, 388-389.

A Simultaneous Equation Regression Study of Advertising and Sales of Cigarettes,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing ResearchVol. IV, August 1969,  291-300.

A Taxonomy of Magazine Readership Applied to Problems in Marketing Strategy and Media Selection,” Frank M. Bass, E. A. Pessemier and D. J. TigertThe Journal of BusinessVol. 42, No. 3, July 1969, 337-363.

“Complementary and Substitute Patterns of Purchasing and Use,” Frank M. Bass, E. A. Pessemier and D. J. TigertJournal of Advertising ResearchVol. 9, Nol. 2, June 1969, 19-27.

“Simultaneous-Equation Regression Analysis of Sales and Advertising,” Frank M. Bassand Leonard J. Parsons, Applied EconomicsVol. 1, No. 2, March 1969, 228-243.

A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” Frank M. Bass, Management Science TheoryVol. 15, No. 5, January 1969, pp. 215-227.

Market Segmentation: Group Versus Individual Behavior,” Frank M. Bass, D. J. Tigert and R. T. Lonsdale, Journal of Marketing ResearchVol. V, August 1968, 264-270.

An Experimental Study of Risk-Taking and the Value of Information,” W. Starbuck and Frank M. Bass, The Journal of BusinessVol. 40, No. 2, April 1967, 155-165.

An Exploration of Linear Programming in Media Selection,” Frank M. Bassand Ronald T. Lonsdale, Journal of Marketing ResearchVol. III, May 1966, 179-188.

Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” Frank M. Bass, The Journal of BusinessVol. 36, No. 1, January 1963, 77-90.

“A Dynamic Model of Market Share and Sales Behavior,” Frank M. Bass, Proceedings, Winter Conference American Marketing Association 1963, Chicago, IL.

“The Question of the Regression Fallacy,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of MarketingVol. 23, No. 4, 1959, 420-421.

Mediocrity Versus Chance in Drug-Store Operating Ratios,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of MarketingVol. 22, No. 3, 1958, 307-312.

Sales Compensation Policies of Grocery, Drug and Hardware Wholesalers,” Frank M. Bassand A.LSeelyeJournal of MarketingVol. 21, No. 4, 1957, 443-45.

“Some New Product Marketing Problems,” Frank M. Bass, New Product DigestVol. 3, No. 4, 1956.

Expense and Margin Functions in Drug Stores,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of MarketingVol. 20, No. 3, 1956, 236-241.

“Wagon Jobbing in Modern Distribution,” Frank M. Bass, Current Economic CommentVol. 15, No. 3, 1953.

Equilibrium Stochastic Choice and Market Penetration Theories: Derivation and Comparisons,” Frank M. Bass, Abel P.Jeuland and Gordon P Wright, Management Science, June 1976. This paper demonstrates the equivalence of zero-order stochastic brand choice with purchase incidence models of the type developed by Ehrenberg.

“An Experimental Study of Relationships Between Attitudes, Brand Preference, and Choice,” Frank M. Bass, Donald R. Lehmann and Edgar A. PessemierBehavioral Science, November 1972. This paper is the first experimental demonstration of the stochastic nature of brand choice.

Optimal Advertising Expenditure Implications of a Simultaneous-Equation Regression Analysis,” L. J. Parsons and Frank M. Bass, Operations Research, May-June 1971.  This study develops the optimal competitive advertising strategy for two brands based upon a statistical analysis of the relationship between advertising and sales and compares the optimal strategy with the actual strategy being used.

“Simultaneous-Equation Regression Analysis of Sales and Advertising,” Frank M. Bassand L. J. Parsons, Applied Economics, March 1969.  This study of the dynamics of the sales and advertising process for a frequently purchased product sold in supermarkets focuses upon the simultaneous nature of the relationships between sales and advertising of a brand with the sales and advertising of competing brands.

“A Simultaneous-Equation Regression Study of Advertising and Sales-Analysis of Cigarette Data,” Frank M. Bass, Journal of Marketing Research, August, 1969.  This study of the competition between filter and non-filter cigarette brands explains the shift in demand between the two competing types of cigarettes. This paper is the first simultaneous equation regression analysis in marketing.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” Frank M. Bass, Management Science Theory, 15, 5, January 1969, pp. 215-227. This study develops, tests, and applies a model of the diffusion of innovations and has come to be known as the “Bassmodel.”

Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” Frank M. Bass, The Journal of BusinessVol. 36, No. 1, January 1963. This paper is one of the first applications of Bayesian modeling in marketing.

The Frontiers of Marketing Thought and Science(Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1958) (ed.).

Mathematical Models and Methods in Marketing(Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, 1961.  (with others.)

Application of the Sciences in Marketing Management(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1968.  (with C. W. King and E. A. Pessemiereds.)

Consulting Editor McGraw-Hill Book Company Perspectives in Marketing Series:

Legal Aspects of Marketing, M. C. Howard (1964)

Marketing Productivity Analysis, C. H. Sevin (1965)

Marketing Planning: A Systems Approach, M. E. Stern (1966)

New Product Decisions, E. A. Pessemier (1966)

Physical Distribution Systems, J. Magee (1967)

Marketing Channels, E. Lewis (1967)

Sales Promotion and Modern Merchandising, J. Luick and W. Zeigler (1968)

Chapter in Control of “Error” in Market Research Data,edited by John U. Farley, (Lexington Books, D. C. Heath Company 1975).

Chapter in Marketing Research Handbookedited by Robert Ferber, (McGraw-Hill, 1974), “Regression Methods with Simultaneous Equations”.

Chapter in Selected Aspects of Consumer BehaviorRANN Program, National Science Foundation edited by Robert Ferber, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1977.

Chapter in Strategy + Structure = Performance: The Strategic Planning Imperativeedited by Hans B. Thorelli, Indiana University Press (1977).

“A Diffusion Theory Model in Adoption and Substitution for Successive Generations of High-Technology Products,” John A. Norton and Frank M. Bass, reprinted in New-Product Development and Testing, Walter Henry, Michael MenascoHirokazu Takada (eds.), Lexington Books, 1989.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” reprinted in New Product Forecasting: Models and Applications,D. C. Heath, 1981.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in Experimentation in Marketing,New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in New Product Decisions,New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in Marketing Research,New York: Ronald Press, 1966.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in Applications of Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions,New York: St. John’s University Press, 1974.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in Concepts and Applications of Modern Decision Model,sEast Lansing: Michigan State Division of Research, 1975.

“An Exploration of Linear Programming in Media Selection,” reprinted in Marketing Models: Quantitative Applications,Scranton: Intext, 1971.

“Market Segmentation: Group Versus Individual Behavior,” reprinted in Marketing Models: Behavioral Science Applications,New York: Scranton: Intext, 1971.

“Simultaneous – Equation Regression Analysis of Sales and Advertising,” reprinted in Marketing Models: Quantitative Applications,Scranton: Intext, 1971.

“The Theory of First Purchase of New Products,” reprinted in Marketing Models,New York: International Textbook, 1971.

“Marketing Research Expenditures – A Decision Model,” reprinted in How Much to Spend for Advertising,New York: Association of National Advertising, 1969.

“A Simultaneous Equation Regression Study of Advertising and Sales of Cigarettes,” reprinted in Multivariate Analysis in Marketing, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1971.

“Strategy and Media Selection,” reprinted in Marketing Models: Quantitative Applications,Scranton: Intext, 1971.

“Market Segmentation: Group Versus Individual Behavior,” reprinted in Market Segmentation: Concepts and Applications,New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971.

“A Taxonomy of Magazine Readership Applied to Problems in Marketing Strategy and Media Selection,” reprinted in Market Segmentation: Concepts and Applications,New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971.

“A Simultaneous Equation Regression Study of Advertising and Sales of Cigarettes,” reprinted in Readings in Managerial Economics,Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” partially reprinted in Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, and Control,Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” partially reprinted in New Product Diffusion,New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” reprinted in Marketing Models,New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1971.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” reprinted in Creating and Marketing New Products, Staples Press, 1972.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” reprinted in Marketing TheoryKiephenheurWitschVerlagCologn, 1972.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” reprinted in Advertising Management, Prentice-Hall, 1974.

“An Attitude Model for the Study of Brand Preference,” reprinted in Consumer Behavior: A Life Style Approach, Dickerson Publishing, 1975

Diffusion of Technology Generations: A Model of Adoption and Repeat Sales,” Portia Isaacson Bassand Frank M. Bass, Working Paper, presented at the Marketing Science Conference, Mainz, Germany, Summer 2001.

“Moore’s Law and the Experience Curve: The Economics of Bits and Chips,” Frank M. Bassand Portia IsaacsonBass, Marketing Science Conference, Rotterdam, Summer 2004.

“The Embedded Model of the Norton-BassSuccessive Technology Generations Model,” Portia Isaacson BassandFrank M. Bass, Marketing Science Conference, Rotterdam, Summer 2004.

“Moore’s Law and the Experience Curve: The Economics of Bits and Chips,” Frank M. Bassand Portia IsaacsonBass, Working Paper, 2004.

“IT Waves: Two Completed Generational Diffusion Models,” Portia Isaacson Bassand Frank M. Bass, Working Paper, 2004.

Diffusion of Technology Generations: A Model of Adoption and Repeat Sales,” Portia Isaacson Bassand Frank M. Bass, Working Paper, 2001.

“Diagnosing Competitive Responsiveness; Decomposing Manufacturer-induced Reactions,” Shuba Srinivasan and Frank M. Bass, 2001, Working Paper.

“The Meaning of Stationarity in Market Shares and Sales,” Shuba Srinivasan and Frank M. Bass, 1997.

“A Generalization of the BassModel: Decision Variable Considerations,” Frank M. Bassand Trichy Krishnan, Working Paper, 1991.

“Incorporating Heterogeneity of Choice Probabilities in Latent Class Models: An Application to Market Structure Analysis,” Dipak C. Jain, Frank M. Bassand Yu-Min Chen, working paper, 1987.

“A Diffusion Theory Model of Adoption and Substitution for Successive Generations in High-Technology Products,” John A. Norton and Frank M. Bass, working paper, 1987.

“A Note on Attribute Influence on Choice Probability without the IIA Assumption,” Dipak C. Jain and Frank M. Bass, working paper, 1986.

“Prediction of Trial Purchases of New Products Based on Intentions Data Adjusted for Conditions,” Linda F. Jamieson and Frank M. Bass, working paper, 1987.

“A Comparative Study of Approximations of Demand Functions Under Temporal Aggregation and Estimation of Micro Relations from Macro Data,” Frank M. Bassand Robert P. Leone, working paper, November 1983.

“Equilibrium Dynamic Pricing of New Products in Oligopolies: Theory and Evidence,” Ram C. Rao and Frank M. Bass, working paper, October 1983.

“An Investigation into the Order of the Brand Choice Process,” Frank M. Bass, Moshe M. GivonManohar U. Kalwani, David Reibstein and Gordon P. Wright, working paper, 1983.

“A Discussion of Different Philosophies in the Analysis of Advertising-Sales Relationships,” Institute Paper, April 1982.

“Temporal Aggregation, The Data Interval Bias, and Empirical Estimation of Bimonthly Relations from Annual Data,” Frank M. Bassand Robert P. Leone, Management Science, January 1983.

“A Note on Optimal Strategic Pricing of Technological Innovations,” Marketing ScienceVol. 1, No. 4, Fall 1982.

“An Investigation into the Order of the Brand Choice Process,” Frank M. Bass, Moshe M. GivonManohar U. Kalwani, David Reibstein and Gordon P. Wright, presented at ORSA/TIMS meeting in Philadelphia, PA, March 1982.

“A Study of the Influence of Halo on the Predictive Ability of Attitude Models,” John Whitney and Frank M. Bass, Institute Paper, October 1979.

“Optimal Strategic Pricing Policies with Learning,” Frank M. Bassand  Alain Bultez, Institute Paper, October 1979.

“The Data Interval Bias, Simultaneous Causality, and the Estimation of Advertising-Sales Relationships from Annual Data,” Institute Paper, February 1980.

“A Stochastic Brand Choice Framework for Econometric Modeling of Time Series Market Share Behavior,” Frank M. Bassand Thomas Pilon, delivered at ORSA/TIMS meeting in Milwaukee, October 1979.

“The Use of Marketing Models in Legal Cases,” presented at ORSA/TIMS special conference on Market Measurement and Analysis at Stanford University, March 1979.

“The Data Interval Bias, Simultaneous Causality, and the Estimation of Advertising-Sales Relationships from Annual Data,” presented at ORSA/TIMS special interest conference on Market Measurement and Analysis at University of Texas at Austin, March 1980.

“Net Social Benefits from Diffusion of New Consumer Durable Technologies,” A Report to the National Science Foundation, Fall 1978.

“A Note on ‘A Parsimonious Description of the Hendry System’,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, March 1978.

“The Relationship Between Diffusion Rates, Experience Curves, and Demand Elasticities for Consumer Durable Technological Innovations,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, March 1978.

“Some New Results in Purchase Timing and Brand Selection,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1976.

“Firm Effects and Industry Effects in the Analysis of Market Structure, and Profitability,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1976.

“Analytical Approaches in the Study of Consumer Purchase Behavior and Brand Choice,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1975.

“Equilibrium Stochastic Choice and Market Penetration Theories: Deviations and Comparisons,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences 1975.

“Stochastic Preference Theory: Derivations and Comparisons,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1974.

“Pooling Issues and Methods in Regression Analysis with Examples in Marketing Research,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1974.

“An Empirical Analysis of Stochastic Preference Theory and Brand Switching,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1974.

“The Theory of Stochastic Preference and Brand Switching,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1973.

“Market Structure and Profitability-Analysis of the Appropriateness of Pooling Cross-Sectional Industry Data,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1973.

Multifirm Analysis of Competitive Decision Variables,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1973.

“An Experimental Study of Attitude Change, Advertising, and Usage in New Product Introduction,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1972.

“A Comparative Analysis of Attitudinal Predictions of Brand Preference,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1972.

“Unexplained Variance in Studies of Consumer Behavior,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1971.

“Application of Regression Models in Marketing: Testing Versus Forecasting,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1971.

“A Multivariate Regression Analysis of the Responses of Competing Brands to Advertising,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1971.

“Testing Distributed Lag Models of Advertising Effect – An Example with Dietary Weight Control Product Data,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1971.

“An Experimental Study of RelationshipsBetween Attitudes, Brand Preference and Choice,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, 1971.

“The Response of Competing Brands to Advertising: A Multivariate Regression Test,” Marketing Science InstituteWorking Paper, February 1971.

“The Response of Competing Brands to Advertising: A Multivariate Regression Test,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 287, 1970.

“Application of Regression Models in Marketing: Testing Versus Forecasting,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 265, 1969.

“Decomposable Regression Models in the Analysis of Market Potential,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 239, 1969.

“Optimal Advertising Expenditure Implications of a Simultaneous-Equation Regression Analysis,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 234, 1969.

“The Theory of First Purchase of New Products,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 213, 1968.

“Simultaneous-Equation Regression Analysis of Sales and Advertising,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 209, 1968.

“Forecasting New Product Sales: The Timing of First Purchase,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 204, 1968.

“Complements and Substitutes – An Exploratory Analysis,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 188, 1967.

“An Analysis of Socio-Economic-Related Market Segments for Grocery Products,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 182, 1967.

“A Simultaneous Equation Regression Study of Advertising and Sales – Analysis of Cigarette Data,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 176, 1967.

“A New Product Growth Model for Consumer Durables,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 175, 1967.

“An Experimental Study of Risk-Taking and the Value of Information in a New Product Context,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 117, 1965.

“The Dynamics of Market Share Behavior,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 116, 1965.

“An Exploration of Linear Programming in Media Selection,” Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Institute Paper No. 19, 1962.

An Analysis of Sales Potential for a Proposed Shopping Center, Austin: Bureau of Business Research, The University of Texas, 1956.

A Study of Sales Compensation and Expense Policies of Texas Wholesalers, Austin: Bureau of Business Research, The University of Texas, 1957.


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